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[Paparazzi-devel] 3P switch, IR problems on Tiny 2.11

From: Adrian Lauf
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] 3P switch, IR problems on Tiny 2.11
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 23:14:16 -0600

Dear (incredibly helpful so far) paparazzi community,

I have two questions that are bugging me at this point: 

1. I'm using a Spektrum DX7 --> AR6200 6-channel receiver. The 3-position switch seems to be going to AUX1 on the AR6200 (there is no aux2 on that particular receiver, just throttle, ail, elev, rudd, gear and aux1), and *seemed* to be working perfectly. In fact, it worked so well, I took the plane out for its first manually-controlled flight with the PPZ hardware installed. It has *never* flown this well! I spent a lot of time trimming. Even a landing in 18MPH winds was totally effortless, no discernible lag, it was reliable and transparent.

When I connect to the PPZ over serial cable, and goto the Messages tool (I haven't had any luck getting GCS to work from hardware - probably because I'm missing a flag somewhere), select the FBW_MODE (I think?) tab and look at the "Mode" setting, and toggle the switch, I can ONLY get the following two modes:

Mode: MANUAL (0) and AUTO (1). Unless I'm missing something, should moving the switch through its course eventually select AUTO (2)? Or is this something that's not displayed under the FBW tab? I'm including my radio config here - I've tried changing max/min values, all to no avail. I can never get AUTO (2) to show up, no matter what position I move the switch, nor how I change the max/min/neutral.

<radio name="AR6200" data_min="900" data_max="2100" sync_min ="5000" sync_max ="15000">
 <channel ctl="THRO" function="THROTTLE"  min="1000" neutral="1150" max="2000" average="0"/>
 <channel ctl="AIL" function="ROLL"       min="1000" neutral="1500" max="2000" average="0"/>
 <channel ctl="ELE" function="PITCH"      max="1000" neutral="1550" min="2000" average="0"/>
 <channel ctl="RUD" function="YAW"        min="1000" neutral="1600" max="2000" average="0"/>
 <channel ctl="GEAR" function="HATCH"     min="1000" neutral="1500" max="2000" average="1"/> 
 <channel ctl="AUX1" function="MODE"      min="1000" neutral="1500" max="2000" average="1"/> 

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Or is AUTO (1) the only auto mode displayed there? It would seem rather odd.

The next subject, probably easier to respond to:

2. I'm not getting *any* readings from IR1/IR2 on the horizontal thermopiles. There's some random value thrown in there, but putting my hand infront of any of the thermopiles registers no change. The top/bottom one works perfectly. On the Tiny 2.11, which ADC channels should I be using? I am including my ADC section and flags here, incase I did something terribly wrong:

<section name="adc" prefix="ADC_CHANNEL_">
    <define name="IR1" value="ADC_1"/>
    <define name="IR2" value="ADC_2"/>
    <define name="IR_TOP" value="ADC_0"/>
    <define name="IR_NB_SAMPLES" value="16"/>

flags: ap.CFLAGS += -DADC -DUSE_ADC_0 -DUSE_ADC_1 -DUSE_ADC_2 -DUSE_ADC_3 (I'm suspecting ADC_3 is unneeded at the moment, but isn't the reason for my error.)

I appreciate any insights. Folks, this community has stunned me with its helpfulness - I've never seen the like of it in any open-source community. Thanks to all of you who have tirelessly helped me get to this point. I will try to contribute a section on the Alpha40 to the wiki as soon as everything is peachy. Thanks again!

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