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RE: [Paparazzi-devel] Possible FTDI Fixes (Felix)

From: akochevar
Subject: RE: [Paparazzi-devel] Possible FTDI Fixes (Felix)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 15:37:58 -0700
User-agent: Web-Based Email 5.2.06

There is a tool in the SVN to calibrate the IMUs.  If you purchase an IMU from they come pre calibrated with the calibration values posted in .xml files on te SVN.  The procedure is not so tough, but can be hindered by poor data collection. 
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Possible FTDI Fixes (Felix)
From: "Stephen L Hulme" <address@hidden>
Date: Mon, February 22, 2010 2:31 pm
To: <address@hidden>

Hi Felix
Sorry for my delay in responding. I was away for a long weekend. 
Thank you for making those changes. I will try them even though you consider them inapparopriate.
I was trying to familiarise myself with real time adjustments, as detailed in the Booz simulation section of the wiki, in anticipation of buying hardware to run my own quad. 
I must admit I was also a bit bored as my Tiny V2.11 Funjet had crashed just before Xmas and had to wait to get a new airframe as none were in stock.
That dilemma is solved and I am currently rebuilding as I write. 
I will report back re: Bozz sim later in the week. 
PS: I also noticed a lot of repository updates for scilab. Does this herald a user friendly (for people like me) set up guide for the Booz Boards?
On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 00:41:22 +0100 Felix Ruess wrote.
Hi Stephen,

I just commited some fixes for the joystick. You don't need
Your joystick should automatically be mapped to /dev/input/js0
Although which axes are mapped to which input channel is still
hardcoded. So you could have inverted axes or different assignments.
It works for me.

But just as a disclaimer: The sim is not meant to be used as a flight
trainer or anything like that. Joystick for the sim is not really of
any practical use.

Cheers, Felix

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Stephen L Hulme <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Felix
> I gave it my best shot with out success.
> I compiled "~/sw ground_segment/joystick"
> Placed "xbox_booz__nav.xml" in "~/conf"
> Executed "./sw/ground_ segment/joystick/main_stick"
> The terminalÂoutput confirmed "/dev/input/event6" and then 5 after
> another
> attempt
> I addded this to your original instruction ie
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/jsbsim/lib ./var/BOOZ2_A1/sim/simsitl --js_dev
> /dev/input/js0
> Then executed:ÂÂLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/jsbsim/lib ./var/BOOZ2_A1/sim/simsitl
> --fg_host --js_dev /dev/input/event6
> The Quadrotor lost control in flight gear, the screen went blank and the
> "./sw/ground_segment/tmtc/server"
> terminal window printed multipleÂlong/lat /utm error reports.
> Am I most probablyÂattemptingÂsomething way beyond my capability or is there
> an error that can be addressed?
> Regards.
> Stephen
> Stephen L Hulme wrote, on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 07:21:55 +1300
> Dear Felix
> Thank you, I will give it a shot.
> Regards
> Stephen
> Felix Ruess wrote, onÂÂMon, 11 Jan 2010 09:56:51 +0100
> Hi Stephen,
> I currently don't have a joystick here (and never tested it before),
> but do give it a try:
> Just start the sim with the additional joystick option, something like this:
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/jsbsim/lib ./var/BOOZ2_A1/sim/simsitl --js_dev
> /dev/input/js0
> Depending on your joystick it might be mapped to some different device
> (check with dmesg) or have a look in /dev/input/by-id/<your-joystick>
> Regards, Felix
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Stephen L Hulme <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Dear Felix
>> Thank you very much for your response.
>> Unfortunately I am no wiser after much file searching
>> and premature balding.
>> Is there any chance of a 'HOW TO', much like the one
>> already posted in the Booz section of the WikiÃfor the
>> --js_dev <joystick device>?
>> Regards
>> Stephen
>> Felix Ruess, wrote on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 00:04:41 +0100
>> Hi Stephen,
>> currently the booz sim does not use the flight plans but rc_scripts as
>> control inputs. That is convenient for testing control and filters.
>> You can also control it by joystick using the --js_dev <joystick
>> device> option of the simulator.
>> Cheers, Felix
>> On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Stephen L Hulme <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Dear Felix
>>> I have no problems compiling: "make AIRCRAFT=BOOZ2_A1 clean_ac sim" as
>>> detailed here:
>>>; and following the instructions
>>> to
>>> view
>>> the tuning changes in flightgear.
>>> Noticeably, the instruction set works well when the flight plan for
>>> /sw/conf/conf.xml/~BOOZ2_A1Ãis dummy.xml.
>>> And yet I now see the default flight plan setting is booz_test_2.xml for
>>> AC:
>>> BOOZ2_A1.
>>> Can I run thisÃflight plan conf set up in flightgear with a joystick
>>> ifÃcertain instruction parameters are changed?
>>> Regards
>>> Stephen
>>> Felix Ruess wrote: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 17:36:58 +0100
>>> Hi Mohammed,
>>> seems like the signal definitions are not found. I included signal.h
>>> in nps_main.c wich was missing (strangely it still worked for me).
>>> Please do a svn update to get the latest code and let me know if it
>>> works.
>>> Cheers, Felix


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