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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Updated Images of Control Loops

From: Stephen Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Updated Images of Control Loops
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 12:44:17 -0700


I don't think there are images anywhere for newer control schemes, but
it shouldn't be too hard to make some! Code seems readable enough, and
it would add nicely to the wiki page. The .dia files for the existing
loops are in doc/control_loops to keep things consistent.

(Probably not the answer you were looking for...sorry!)


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Chris Wozny <address@hidden> wrote:
> Balazs,
> I have indeed seen those pages, however, the "new" and "adaptive" control
> schemes have far more gains than are depicted in those images.
> - Chris
> On Wednesday, February 15, 2012,  <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Dear Chris,
>> did you read the following page?:
>> Balazs
>>> All,
>>> Is there an updated group of images for the control loops being used on
>>> the
>>> dev branch? I'm trying to pinpoint which gain(s) affect the distance for
>>> servo travel from IMU stimulation (read: shaking the aircraft) and from
>>> RC
>>> input in AUTO1 since it is extremely low in both. I get full range in
>>> MANUAL and the deflection is correct in pitch and roll. I also reset the
>>> aircraft on my T7CAP just to make sure no mixing was involved. Whether I
>>> change my AHRS type or control type, this problem still shows up. The PFD
>>> is showing correct motion when I roll and pitch Lisa/M 1.0 with Aspirin
>>> IMU
>>> v1.0. I've also followed the tuning procedures on the wiki to no avail.
>>> I'm
>>> testing with no motor connected to my ESC if that has any bearing (and I
>>> think it might since I believe throttle is taken into account when
>>> calculating servo deflection for roll/pitch.) Here are the links to the
>>> corresponding configurations:
>>> Also, is there no yaw correction from gyro deflection in the yaw axis in
>>> AUTO1/2?
>>> - Chris
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>>> Paparazzi-devel mailing list
>>> address@hidden
> --
> Chris Wozny
> ASUA Safe Ride
> Administrative Director
> Email: address@hidden
> Office: 520-621-7233
> Cell: 617-921-5679
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> Paparazzi-devel mailing list
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