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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Apogee's attitude recovery

From: Dylan Brunello
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Apogee's attitude recovery
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 22:11:22 +1100


Are you sure it is not just the update rate of the graphics? If you open the plotting tool and messages tool you can drag and drop the roll and pitch angles (phi and theta) into the plotting window and see the values as the change with time. I think this will give you a better idea of the instantaneous values rather than using the PFD.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 3:14 AM, laizzb <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Felx,
        I use   v5.1_devel
        Attach test video (note the last two posture recovery is slow)

      Airframe Configuration
     <airframe name="Apogee">
          <load name="mcp355x.xml">
            <define name="USE_SPI1"/>
        <firmware name="fixedwing">
          <define name="USE_I2C1"/>
          <define name="USE_I2C2"/>
          <define name="ALT_KALMAN"/>
          <define name="USE_GYRO_PITCH_RATE"/>
          <target name="sim" board="pc"/>
          <target name="ap" board="apogee_1.0"/>
          <subsystem type="ppm" name="radio_control"/>
          <subsystem type="transparent" name="telemetry"/>
          <subsystem type="apogee" name="imu"/>
          <subsystem type="float_dcm" name="ahrs"/>
          <subsystem type="alt_float" name="ins"/>
          <subsystem name="control"/>
          <subsystem name="navigation"/>
          <subsystem type="ublox" name="gps"/>
          <subsystem name="spi_master"/>
        <section prefix="IMU_" name="IMU">
          <define value="-68" name="ACCEL_X_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="-1" name="ACCEL_Y_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="-64" name="ACCEL_Z_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="2.46053275899" name="ACCEL_X_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="2.45567151099" name="ACCEL_Y_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="2.44223710019" name="ACCEL_Z_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="0" name="GYRO_P_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="0" name="GYRO_Q_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="0" name="GYRO_R_NEUTRAL"/>
          <define value="3.0590" name="GYRO_P_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="3.0590" name="GYRO_Q_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="3.0590" name="GYRO_R_SENS" integer="16"/>
          <define value="0" name="BODY_TO_IMU_PHI"/>
          <define value="0" name="BODY_TO_IMU_THETA"/>
          <define value="-90." unit="deg" name="BODY_TO_IMU_PSI"/>




with questions like this please always try to be as specific as possible.

Which paparazzi_version are you running? What AHRS algorithm are you using? How is your IMU set up?
Best is to provide the airframe file you are using (or at least the relevant sections).

Cheers, Felx

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 5:15 PM, alonso acuña <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi. I can't help you but I am interested to know how many degrees you mean by strenous and how many seconds you mean by slow?

Good luck

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 1:15 AM, laizzb <address@hidden> wrote:
HI guys:
      Apogee's attitude is accurate. 
     but, The attitude is very slow recovery after strenuous exercise (pith and roll).
     What is the reason?

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