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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Simulating ardrone2?

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Simulating ardrone2?
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:44:29 +0100

Also there is no need to comment out the gps_ubx_ucenter module, it is only added for the ap target.
However if you built the ap target first and didn't change anything the module is not automatically unloaded.
You then need to do a clean first so it will reparse and unload the modules not for nps/sim.
See also

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 11:21 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Ben,

we are still missing a JSBSim model for a quadrotor in X configuration (like the ARDrone2).
Opened an issue about this:

It was my fault that I accidentally added the "simple_quad" as NPS_JSBSIM_MODEL to the ardrone2_raw.xml file.
And since the actuator names don't match nothing happens.
(top_left doesn't exist in the simple_quad.xml, and rightly so since that is for a + configuration)

I removed the line in ardrone2_raw specifying the model, since it is wrong and can not work.
Now you will get an error starting the NPS sim (JSBSim failed to open the configuration file: foo/paparazzi/conf/simulator/jsbsim/aircraft/ardrone2_raw.xml).
But IMHO that is better than NPS just not working for no obvious reason.

In the end you need to either provide a correct JSBSim file with the name of the aircraft, or set one explicitly via NPS_JSBSIM_MODEL.

See also

So, if anyone already has a JSBSim model for a quad in X configuration (or has the time to make a working one) it would be great to finally add one.

Cheers, Felix

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Ben Laurie <address@hidden> wrote:
If I try running a simulation of ardrone2_raw, it mostly works (I have to comment out the ubx_ucenter stuff), but the drone doesn't actually go anywhere - i.e. you tell it to start motors/take off, and it sits on the ground stationary.

Any idea where I should be looking to fix this?

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