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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi issue with Xquartz

From: Tom
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi issue with Xquartz
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 00:12:39 -0700 (MST)

Thank you for your help.I checked the packages which installed with
home-brew. They don't include gtk2,but they have the package "gtk+".And the
Xquartz still can't work for the paparazzi.Thank you!
And here is the packages installed with home-brew:

172-13-4-118:~ tom$ brew list
aspcud                  gringo                  libtool
atk                     gsl                     libusb
autoconf                gtk+                    libusb-compat
automake                harfbuzz                libxml2
cairo                   hicolor-icon-theme      ocaml
camlp4                  icu4c                   opam
clasp                   ivy-c                   openssl
coreutils               jpeg                    pango
dfu-util                jsbsim                  pcre
fontconfig              lablgtk                 pixman
freetype                libart                  pkg-config
gdbm                    libcroco                python
gdk-pixbuf              libffi                  readline
gettext                 libglade                sdl
git                     libgnomecanvas          sqlite
glib                    libpng                  wget
gnu-sed                 librsvg                 xz
gobject-introspection   libtiff

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