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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiltrotor-Project

From: Oswald Berthold
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiltrotor-Project
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:11:03 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1

hi kevin,

2 eurocents: when i built my lisa quad two years ago, i also started out
with multistar ESCs. there were several issues with these ESCs and all
were solved by swapping them out for some different ones.

bst, opt

notoriou5 writes:

> Hi Pascal, 
> that was a really good tipp. I tried to calibrate them, but they do not make
> a sound (or actually the Engine). I checked the Engine, and they are working
> fine. The Output on from the LISA M is also correct, I checked that on the
> working ESC. 
> So the problem must definitely be with the ESC. I bought two of them, so I
> guess a defect on both of them is really rare too. I think that I am
> forgetting something or doing something wrong. 
> I plug in the JR into the LISA M Output and turn the Transmitter, Receiver
> and LISA M on. After that I connect the power of the ESC which is hooked up
> with the Engine. But no sound or anything else....
> Anyone any suggestions on that?
> Thanks a lot, 
> Kevin

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