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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] addressbook model and integration with acc

From: Ralf Becker
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] addressbook model and integration with accounts
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 10:19:41 +0200
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Jonathan Rivera schrieb:
hi guys,

finally between skwashd and i finished the model for the integration of
admin with addressbook, here can see it .

Good work, looks realy nice.

I would like to move these docs / proposals to the wiki and would propose to give jarg write-rights to the wiki.

I have some remarks:

1) I would recommend to use InfoLog for a variable number of notes and not build this into the addressbook (with an extra table). A single note field is needed for backward compatibility.

2) I'm not sure if the phpgw_contact_cat table with primary key (and only columns) contact_id and cat_id is better to hancle as the comma-separated field in addressbook now.

3) I still miss the custom fields, but this is easy to add with a table phpgw_contact_customfields with columns contact_id, custumfield_name and value.

4) This might be a question to mdean: Does all supported DB's allow (in a single syntax) to join all this tables together?

5) I personly dislike schemas with so many linked tables, but this might be just a question of taste. The content of the *_type tables (which will be only a view rows), might go into the phpgw_config table as an serialized array.

6) An other concern: I see advantage of haveing modified_* cols for each single table for resolveing conflikts while syncing the data. Do all tables need created_* columns, as most of them will get created with the creation of the contact itself? Do we need a modified column for the contact itself (not its parts) to be updated and whatever update of one of its parts and to show to the user as the last-update date (dont think you want to show 10 different modified dates / modifiers to the user in the UI).

I hope this "critisism" does not sound to negative, I'm quite happy someone is working on the contacts schema.

I would voluntier building a nice tab'ed UI with eTemplate for the new addressbook.

Ralf Becker
OUTDOOR UNLIMITED Training GmbH                Telefon 0631 / 31657-0
Leibnizstraße 17                               Telefax 0631 / 31657-26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern            EMail address@hidden

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