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Re: Compiling Pingus

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Compiling Pingus
Date: 14 Jun 2002 12:21:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

David Philippi <address@hidden> writes:

> On Thursday 13 June 2002 20:09, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
>>  #include <stdio.h>
> It's better to use <cstdio> - don't ask me why I forgot the exact
> reason. ;-) If there's interest I'll look it up - I know that it's
> written in one or two of my books.

<cstdio> is in namespace std, while <stdio.h> is in the global one.
But after all I prefer <stdio.h> since the other is too buggy between
different compilers. Some functions are in std there, some other
aren't 'cause they where implemented as macros, etc. So if you can
write std::printf or not depends heavily on the compile. One can
workaround by 'using namespace std;', but then there is no gain in
using it in the first place.

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