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Re: SmallMap issue(s)

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: SmallMap issue(s)
Date: 10 Oct 2002 13:38:12 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Gervase Lam <address@hidden> writes:

> As to indiana-yingwan.xml, one way to do it is as well as each
> "object" having draw_smallmap(), they could also have
> init_smallmap(unsigned char* cbuffer). This could/would write on to
> the initial small map canvas.

The problem is that there are two ways to 'draw' on the smallmap, one
is to simple draw a surface above the colmap on the screen (via
draw_smallmap()), the other would be indirectly to draw on the colmap,
which then gets converted to the smallmap surface (no member function,
smallmap does that itself). Well, the first is easy to solve, the
second is quite a lot more difficult, since you can't just draw to the
colmap without changing it. Well, we could insert a type of
fake-ground, that looks like ground, but is not really there for the
collision detection, but this would mean to change the colmap stuff a
bit and fix every action that does a "== ColMap::Nothing".
> The technique indiana-yingwan.xml uses is to have a hotspot instead
> of solid or ground. What exactly is a hotspot? Hopefully having all
> hotspots being drawn on to the small map is allowed.

Hotspots are things that don't interact with the gfx or collision map,
but instead simply draw themself to the screen. Groundpieces draw
themself to colmap and gfxmap and then disappear.

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