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Bug 692 - headbump is to high and gets triggered when it shouldn't

From: Gervase Lam
Subject: Bug 692 - headbump is to high and gets triggered when it shouldn't
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 02:33:03 +0100

> Subject: Re: Bugs on Savannah
> From: Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden>
> Date: 10 Oct 2002 02:19:18 +0200

> Gervase Lam <address@hidden> writes:

> > [692 headbump is to high and gets triggered when it shouldn't]

> You fix fixed a stuckyness problem, the above is different. Its
> currently quite hard to get a bridger out of a basher-cave.
> <random-idea>What about makeing the basher radius simply a few pixels
> heigher and widther?</random-idea>

Done.  I've had a go at testing it and have not had trouble trying to get 
a Basher to then build a bridge out of the exit of a bashed out tunnel.  
It would be great if someone could test this.

The problem was caused by the fact that the Bash region to detect whether 
there was something to bash needed to be higher.  This meant that the 
basher png files also needed to be increased in size as much as possible.

In fact, if the size of the attached png files are increased by 1 pixel, 
the bash effect looks silly in comparison to the size of the bashing 
Pingu.  So, this is the biggest I can get them.

The "problem" now is that if a Pingu Digs then Bashes, the Bash radius 
is too large for the hole dug by 3 pixels to the left and 3 pixels to the 
right.  If this needs sorting out, I'll do that some time later.  The 
Digger's png files need to be shaped correctly in order for the reverse 
trick to work and also look nice.


Attachment: pingus.200210130228.cvs.diff
Description: Text Data

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