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Re: Deadlock at playable/snow21-grumbel.xml

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Deadlock at playable/snow21-grumbel.xml
Date: 17 Mar 2003 12:00:22 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Ingo Ruhnke <address@hidden> writes:

> In playable/snow21-grumbel.xml if directly at the start a left-walking
> Pingu is turned into a climber, we will try to climb the obstacle at
> the left and once he reached the top of it, the whole game will
> deadlock, most likly since the while loop inside faller.cxx is never
> ending.

Found another deadlock in the faller code, happens when miner/faller
get together, it doesn't happen always, but the following demo file
reproduces it:

  <pingu-action time="1014" id="3" action="miner"/>
  <pingu-action time="1962" id="3" action="miner"/>

PS: Does anybody know if libxml can read not well-formed XML files,
aka. files where the last end tags are misssing? Could be handy for
unfinished demo files since, the files always miss the
</events></pingus-demo> tags if something crashed or deadlocked.

JabberID: address@hidden 
ICQ:      59461927

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