John August address@hidden playable/Dentist.pingus hard good nice use of scenery, challenging without being frustrating. Good that you have lots of jumpers, you need to make a lot of tries at jumping. But one climber is fair enough. playable/Lev4.pingus very easy/unfinished/unplayable bad No player input required ... if it is not a test level, it needs some more work. playable/aliens1-phil.pingus normal ok This level has a sometimes bug - he exit ends up a pixel above the floor and the pingus can't get. in. playable/aliens2-phil.pingus normal? ok? how is this different to aliens1 ? playable/aliens7-phil.pingus very easy/unfinished bad no player input involved - it solves itself. Need extra to make it a worthwhile level. wip/am_nil-luki.pingus normal bad Ingo says unplayable test level - it can be played, but is not very interesting. Checkerboard background needs to be replaced. Cannot see activity behind overall view at bottom left. wip/belt1-grumbel.pingus unfinished bad this has a bug which renders it unplayable. The graphics jitter and the pingus have after images. test/bg-test.pingus unplayable bad no exit, but shape is an interesting one. test/bla.pingus unplayable bad apart from no entry or exit, the pingu types flash up unstably playable/block-timpany.pingus normal good good level - there are many possibilities, but a simple on e is the way out, which takes a little bit of thinking to see. There are many types of pingus to distract you, which is perhaps a good thing. wip/block.pingus normal ok playable/blockers-timpany-tutorial.pingus very easy ok storm i a bit distracting - perhaps that is the point - but please do not put in too many levels like this one. playable/bomber-tutorial-grumbel.pingus very easy ok as a bomber tutorial level, the apparent intended use, its OK. playable/bombing.pingus hard good I lost a few pingus building the original bridge, need to have survival rate clear for this level. playable/aliens6-phil.pingus normal? ok seems too fiddly playable/bridger-tutorial-grumbel.pingus very easy ok ok for its intended purpose of bridge tutorial test/bug-test.pingus unplayable/unfinished bad this level has no entrance or exit, but has a minimalist elegance which would be nice to do something with. playable/cages.pingus very easy ok trivial, ok as digger tutorial level wip/candy-lukis.pingus easy ok might be improved with a digger, bridger and 10 pingus, so the last pingu digs and builds a bridge before the other pingus arrive the long way. playable/candy-timpany-premoi.pingus normal ok almost easy, you have to figure out that not all water gets you, that's novel for this level. wip/candy1.pingus unfinished good exit seems solid, without a normal window or background, maybe you are supposed to bore through the top, but I could not exit. wip/cave-cave1-mw.pingus normal ok nice background, involves some fiddly rather than subtle digging. wip/cave-cave2-mw.pingus unfinished bad error generated : cave-cave2-mw.xml:6: error: xmlParseEntityRef: no name description lang="en"The Pingus have to ascend (ampersand) descend steep hills and wip/cave-cave2-mw.pingus very hard good have not done this level - a good one if it is possible wip/cave-crystal1-mw.pingus normal good So, here if the pingus fall too far they do squash themselves 1! It just involves finding the right place to dig if you don't want to do something more complex. wip/cave-crystal2-mw.pingus normal ok main fiddly bit is to time a moving bomber - perhaps this should be rated difficulty 'hard' ? wip/cave-food1-mw.pingus hard good don't have too many level s with such a mixture of themes - it represents "lazy creativity", and you should make sure such levels are rare and really are creative. wip/cave-jungle1-mw.pingus normal good its easy to lose a few pingus at the start - need to define survival level for this level, high would make it 'hard'. wip/cave-snow1-mw.pingus very hard ok graphics are missing from this screen. I have not done it - is it impossible ? wip/cave-space1-mw.pingus easy good would be better to have a space type exit involving pillars rather than the present "biological" one. wip/cave-space2-mw.pingus hard good I used lots of bombers. Need to have pingu pass rate well defined. Have not completed yet. playable/chouser02.pingus normal good requires some thought, but reasonably forgiving. less forgiving would mean a 'hard' rating. playable/climber-tutorial-lukis.pingus very easy ok climber tutorial. Would be improved by having just ten pingus, too many to click for little return in learning at present. wip/conv.pingus unplayable bad buggy, no entry/exit, flashing pingu signs. wip/crystal-phil1.pingus normal ok agree with Ingo's comment. wip/crystal1.pingus normal ok at end, gate seems to kill pingus. Number saved does not increase, they go red like they've been killed. playable/crystal2.pingus easy good ok as intro to blocker, does now work contrary to Ingo's comment. wip/crystal3.pingus normal ok contrary to Ingo's comment, now is playable, not terribly interesting. wip/crystal4.pingus normal ok A level with a twist, involving a simple solution, not obvious because of the large number of different pingus - fair enough, try not to have too many of them. playable/crystal5.pingus easy ok playable/desert-crawl-timpany.pingus normal good The bug described by Nick (gap between two solid blocks) seems to make it impossible to complete. unfinished would be a good lable. wip/desert-phil1.pingus very hard ok difficulty bad because you run out of time. Nice graphics. playable/desert3-tflavel.pingus normal good needs a little thought, but not too fiddly. playable/desert4.pingus very easy bad a trivial level - just need to set one blocker. Unless you want 100% through, then it would be easy. playable/desert5-tflavel.pingus very hard ok have not completed this one. playable/desert5.pingus unfinished bad no player input needed ! It solves itself automatically ! playable/desert6-grumbel.pingus very easy ok ok as an intro level. playable/desert7-grumbel.pingus unfinished bad thing this one is impossible, unless there is an "invisible" exit somewhere, in which case it would be just too nasty ! playable/digger-tutorial-grumbel.pingus very easy good ok as a tutorial. tutorial/digger-tutorial2-grumbel.pingus very easy ok ok as tutorial, prefer tutorial 1 playable/doors-grumbel.pingus unfinished bad seems does not work ... or am I missing something ? playable/doors2-grumbel.pingus hard bad doors ? wip/editor_tut.pingus unplayable bad presumably a test level ? tutorial/floater-tutorial-grumbel.pingus unfinished bad don't need floaters in order to pass level - it solves itself automatically. wip/foliage1.pingus normal bad nice scenery, not much to the level. Is it a foliage test level ? playable/foliage3.pingus very easy bad nice graphics, but no player input is required. Might be challenging if you had to actually use floaters. wip/foliage4.pingus easy bad graphics look nice, particularly if the "look" was not abused in other levels. But, not much to the game. playable/future1-jgoebbert.pingus hard good have not done this one. Bug in that pingus entrances are not visible. playable/future2-jgoebbert.pingus easy bad too easy, but good graphics. wip/cave-tubes1-mw.pingus hard good so, water does not affect them ! Even after you realise that, its still quite involved. wip/granit1.pingus unfinished unfinished nice look, would be good have entry and exit. wip/desert-phil1.pingus hard good This involves parallel building of bridges ahead of their use - a cute idea along with cute graphics. playable/desert5-tflavel.pingus very hard good very hard not because of what you do, but rather to figure it out. wip/hellmouth23-grumbel.pingus normal ok this level is too easy for what it seems to be. I built an external ladder. It has a problem in that you cannot see the pingus because the pingu type display gets in the way. playable/hellmouth4-grumbel.pingus hard ok hard to figure out, but not hard once you know what to do. playable/hellmouth5-grumbel.pingus normal ok