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Re: [Plash] Plash on Ubuntu/feisty

From: Mark Seaborn
Subject: Re: [Plash] Plash on Ubuntu/feisty
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 21:53:36 +0100 (BST)

Thomas Leonard <address@hidden> wrote:

> Ah, in that case I have another problem. I was trying to find out why
> unpacking tar archives had stopped working, but got distracted by the
> hanging. Now I get:
> $ echo Hi > foo
> $ gzip foo
> $ pola-run -fw / -e /bin/gunzip foo.gz
> gunzip: foo: Operation not permitted
> $ cat foo
> Hi
> $ pola-run -fw / -e /bin/tar xzf plash_1.17.orig.tar.gz
> /bin/tar: plash-1.17.orig/web-site/methods.xxml: Cannot utime: No such
> file or directory
> /bin/tar: plash-1.17.orig/web-site/logo.png: Cannot utime: No such
> file or directory
> /bin/tar: plash-1.17.orig/web-site/ Cannot utime: No such file
> or directory
> /bin/tar: plash-1.17.orig/web-site/pola-run.xxml: Cannot utime: No
> such file or directory
> [...]

Ah, this will be because they're using the *at() calls that were
introduced in glibc 2.4.  Plash 1.17 doesn't replace those calls which
means you get ENOENT etc.  In SVN currently the calls are just stubbed
out.  I was hoping to leave implementing them until after the next
release (details at  But I guess
I'll have to do it before releasing.  It seems Ubuntu feisty has
updated core utilities to new versions which use those calls.


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