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Re: Psppire GUI status

From: Ben Pfaff
Subject: Re: Psppire GUI status
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 20:51:18 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

John Darrington <address@hidden> writes:

> On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 06:58:31PM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>      > *    Adjust column widths --- the width in the data sheet should
>      >      automatically update when you enter a new value, and vici-versa. 
>      It's not clear to me that this is working.  When I change the
>      "width" entry for a variable from 8 to something else (by
>      clicking on it, typing a new width, and pushing Enter), it snaps
>      back to 8 for me.  Seems to happen for both string and numeric
>      fields.
> I noticed something similar.  Does this happen only when you
> change to a smaller width or also when you change to a larger
> one?  It seems that the data sheet insists that the title fits
> in the column, so resizes it back to a larger value.  Try
> changing it to something large, or try making the variable name
> shorter.

Perhaps we are seeing something a little different then.  For me,
the variable width always snaps back to 8.

Oh, wait a second.  If I click on the "type" entry then I can set
the width and decimals in the dialog box that appears, and that
works fine.  It's only a problem if I try to set them by clicking
on their individual fields.

> The relevant code is at the bottom of data_sheet.c  --- and I'm not sure if
> I'm using the data_in function correctly.  
> What is the purpose of the f1 and f2 members of struct data-in ?  I couldn't 
> work it out from the comments in data_in.[ch]

f1 and f2 are used in error messages only, to identify the
columns that the data came from.  I think you are using data_in()
correctly.  It is not well-documented, and I should improve its

But the error message on GET is fairly clear:

         error: corrupt system file: x: String variable A has
                numeric format specifier F.

This implies that the dictionary itself was incorrect and that it
gave a string variable a numeric format specifier.  If `v' is the
"struct variable" then this would be v->type == ALPHA,
v->print.type == FMT_F.  Does this seem possible to you?
"Platonically Evil Monkey has been symbolically representing the darkest 
 fears of humanity since the dawn of literature and religion, and I think
 I speak for everyone when I give it a sidelong glance of uneasy recognition 
 this evening." --Scrymarch

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