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Re: 3 withstanding functions?

From: Bastián Díaz
Subject: Re: 3 withstanding functions?
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 06:54:07 -0700 (PDT)


I've done more testing, and I've noticed that the problem is unique to the platform (windows).

For example, the same thing happens libreoffice (the table is copied in plain text or Unicode text), so that could be a problem in the GTK + for windows. In Linux there is no problem (tested in Libreoffice and using Office under WINE).

Forwarding mail to the main developers, perhaps they can better understand the problem to fix.

For now, as a temporary solution I recommend you export the PSPP output in HTML format, and then import it into excel. If you need specific tables, the copy from that same file.

It's an extra step, but it is better to sort the table by hand. (that until the problem is solved).


Bastián Díaz

De: Fredrik Clementz <address@hidden>
Para: Bastián Díaz <address@hidden>
CC: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Enviado: Viernes, 6 de septiembre, 2013 3:23:08
Asunto: Re: 3 withstanding functions?

Hi Bastian,

Thank you for your swift reply.

Regarding the Variable Labels / names... thank you.. I didn't know it was available under right click =)

Will post a report on the merge files....

Now the "office" question.
My background is in the commercial world, and if we do an operation say 50 times a day, we can't manually edit the output in Excel for every export to make it look descent when the alternative software does this automatically. Please, view the attached movie. From a commercial standpoint, we'd loose say 2-3 minutes at any given time, and multiplying that by say 50, it is not an option.

At any given time, any output that is produced from PSPP will most likely end in Excel or equivalent one way or the other. To make it difficult for users to get there is really not best practice and it will effectively hinder any commercial adoption at all. I believe this is the reason why R is so widely used in the academic world but not in the commercial world because there is output constraints....

I can't really tell how much work it would be to make the output look descent, I'm just saying that it's a dealbreaker for me and most likely many like me.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Bastián Díaz <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello Fredrik,

I'm not a developer, but I have joined the project for a while to make a new artwork for PSPP.

I read your post, and I can say that can make PSPP if some of the things you mention.

→ Office: PSPP can interoperate with MS office or other office suite in many ways.
If we talk only of the output file, it can be exported to a number of files that are compatible with MS Office. For example if you want to work with Excel, just export your PSPP output to CSV and import it into Excel. If you want to keep the format, you can choose to export your PSPP output in HTML format and then import it into Excel (also applies to Word or PowerPoint).
If you're working in Word, you can use export to OpenDocument Text (*.odt) incorporated into PSPP (OpenDocument Format is supported on MS Office since version 2007).
However if you just want to copy one or more tables or graphs directly from PSPP output, just select the table or tables you need (from the sidebar) and then copy (from the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C or from the edit menu) and then paste in Excel, Word or PowertPoint.

→ As mention in section 3, there are some features that still do not have GUI. For example, if in the output window showed up a context menu to select tables or graphs with secondary click the "copy" option, many would have realized that you can make that choice directly without exporting the entire file completely.

→ Finally if it is effective to change "variable names" to "variable labels" in the various system dialogs. Made me want to open a dialog box, and the secondary click option appears "prefer variable labels" which can be enabled or disabled.

If considered an important feature to be included in PSPP (eg GUI for merging files), please create a bug report with the corresponding request.


Bastián Díaz

Fredrik Clementz

Reflect AB
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