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Re: [PATCH 01/25] qemu-option: clean up id vs. list->merge_lists

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [PATCH 01/25] qemu-option: clean up id vs. list->merge_lists
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 13:37:30 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.6.0

On 20/01/21 09:03, Markus Armbruster wrote:
The detour should be avoided, because QemuOpts should be avoided.  Using
the appropriate visitor, we get:

         char *optarg
              |  v = qobject_input_visitor_new_str(string, NULL, errp)
              |  visit_type_q_obj_set_action_arg(v, NULL, &arg, errp);
   q_obj_set_action_arg arg

except visit_type_q_obj_set_action_arg() doesn't exist, because the QAPI
type is anonymous.  So give it a name:

     { 'struct: 'Action',
       'data': { '*reboot': 'RebootAction',
                 '*shutdown': 'ShutdownAction',
                 '*panic': 'PanicAction',
                 '*watchdog': 'WatchdogAction' } }

     { 'command': 'set-action',
       'data': 'Action',
       'allow-preconfig': true }

         char *optarg
              |  v = qobject_input_visitor_new_str(string, NULL, errp)
              |  visit_type_Action(v, NULL, &arg, errp);
          Action act

To avoid having to pass the members of Action to qmp_set_action(), throw
in 'boxed': true, so you can simply call qmp_set_action(&act, errp).

Ok, so the idea of a 1:1 CLI<->QMP mapping is good, the implementation is bad. The reason it was done with QemuOpts was mostly to have "-action help" for free. Something to remember when working on autogenerated boilerplate.


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