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[PATCH v2 25/48] bsd-user: move x86 (i386 and x86_64) cpu_loop to target

From: imp
Subject: [PATCH v2 25/48] bsd-user: move x86 (i386 and x86_64) cpu_loop to target_arch_cpu.h
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 09:59:53 -0600

From: Warner Losh <imp@bsdimp.com>

Move the x86 version of the cpu_loop to target_arch_cpu.h as
target_cpu_loop. Create a cpu_loop that calls the target_cpu_loop function, but
only for x86 for now. This is code-movement only commit.

Signed-off-by: Stacey Son <sson@FreeBSD.org>
Signed-off-by: Warner Losh <imp@bsdimp.com>
 bsd-user/i386/target_arch_cpu.h | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 bsd-user/main.c                 | 176 +------------------------------
 2 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bsd-user/i386/target_arch_cpu.h b/bsd-user/i386/target_arch_cpu.h
index c05e048b9b..e8b306c832 100644
--- a/bsd-user/i386/target_arch_cpu.h
+++ b/bsd-user/i386/target_arch_cpu.h
@@ -19,4 +19,179 @@
 #ifndef _TARGET_ARCH_CPU_H_
 #define _TARGET_ARCH_CPU_H_
-#endif /* ! _TARGET_ARCH_CPU_H_ */
+/* CPUX86 core interface */
+uint64_t cpu_get_tsc(CPUX86State *env)
+    return cpu_get_host_ticks();
+static void write_dt(void *ptr, unsigned long addr, unsigned long limit,
+                     int flags)
+    unsigned int e1, e2;
+    uint32_t *p;
+    e1 = (addr << 16) | (limit & 0xffff);
+    e2 = ((addr >> 16) & 0xff) | (addr & 0xff000000) | (limit & 0x000f0000);
+    e2 |= flags;
+    p = ptr;
+    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
+    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
+static uint64_t *idt_table;
+#ifdef TARGET_X86_64
+static void set_gate64(void *ptr, unsigned int type, unsigned int dpl,
+                       uint64_t addr, unsigned int sel)
+    uint32_t *p, e1, e2;
+    e1 = (addr & 0xffff) | (sel << 16);
+    e2 = (addr & 0xffff0000) | 0x8000 | (dpl << 13) | (type << 8);
+    p = ptr;
+    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
+    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
+    p[2] = tswap32(addr >> 32);
+    p[3] = 0;
+/* only dpl matters as we do only user space emulation */
+static void set_idt(int n, unsigned int dpl)
+    set_gate64(idt_table + n * 2, 0, dpl, 0, 0);
+static void set_gate(void *ptr, unsigned int type, unsigned int dpl,
+                     uint32_t addr, unsigned int sel)
+    uint32_t *p, e1, e2;
+    e1 = (addr & 0xffff) | (sel << 16);
+    e2 = (addr & 0xffff0000) | 0x8000 | (dpl << 13) | (type << 8);
+    p = ptr;
+    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
+    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
+/* only dpl matters as we do only user space emulation */
+static void set_idt(int n, unsigned int dpl)
+    set_gate(idt_table + n, 0, dpl, 0, 0);
+static void target_cpu_loop(CPUArchState *env)
+    CPUState *cs = env_cpu(env);
+    int trapnr;
+    abi_ulong pc;
+    /* target_siginfo_t info; */
+    for (;;) {
+        cpu_exec_start(cs);
+        trapnr = cpu_exec(cs);
+        cpu_exec_end(cs);
+        process_queued_cpu_work(cs);
+        switch (trapnr) {
+        case 0x80:
+            /* syscall from int $0x80 */
+            if (bsd_type == target_freebsd) {
+                abi_ulong params = (abi_ulong) env->regs[R_ESP] +
+                    sizeof(int32_t);
+                int32_t syscall_nr = env->regs[R_EAX];
+                int32_t arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8;
+                if (syscall_nr == TARGET_FREEBSD_NR_syscall) {
+                    get_user_s32(syscall_nr, params);
+                    params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                } else if (syscall_nr == TARGET_FREEBSD_NR___syscall) {
+                    get_user_s32(syscall_nr, params);
+                    params += sizeof(int64_t);
+                }
+                get_user_s32(arg1, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg2, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg3, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg4, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg5, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg6, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg7, params);
+                params += sizeof(int32_t);
+                get_user_s32(arg8, params);
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_freebsd_syscall(env,
+                                                      syscall_nr,
+                                                      arg1,
+                                                      arg2,
+                                                      arg3,
+                                                      arg4,
+                                                      arg5,
+                                                      arg6,
+                                                      arg7,
+                                                      arg8);
+            } else { /* if (bsd_type == target_openbsd) */
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_openbsd_syscall(env,
+                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EBX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_ECX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EBP]);
+            }
+            if (((abi_ulong)env->regs[R_EAX]) >= (abi_ulong)(-515)) {
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = -env->regs[R_EAX];
+                env->eflags |= CC_C;
+            } else {
+                env->eflags &= ~CC_C;
+            }
+            break;
+#ifndef TARGET_ABI32
+        case EXCP_SYSCALL:
+            /* syscall from syscall instruction */
+            if (bsd_type == target_freebsd) {
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_freebsd_syscall(env,
+                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_ECX],
+                                                      env->regs[8],
+                                                      env->regs[9], 0, 0);
+            } else { /* if (bsd_type == target_openbsd) */
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_openbsd_syscall(env,
+                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
+                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
+                                                      env->regs[10],
+                                                      env->regs[8],
+                                                      env->regs[9]);
+            }
+            env->eip = env->exception_next_eip;
+            if (((abi_ulong)env->regs[R_EAX]) >= (abi_ulong)(-515)) {
+                env->regs[R_EAX] = -env->regs[R_EAX];
+                env->eflags |= CC_C;
+            } else {
+                env->eflags &= ~CC_C;
+            }
+            break;
+        case EXCP_INTERRUPT:
+            /* just indicate that signals should be handled asap */
+            break;
+        default:
+            pc = env->segs[R_CS].base + env->eip;
+            fprintf(stderr,
+                    "qemu: 0x%08lx: unhandled CPU exception 0x%x - aborting\n",
+                    (long)pc, trapnr);
+            abort();
+        }
+        process_pending_signals(env);
+    }
+#endif /* _TARGET_ARCH_CPU_H_ */
diff --git a/bsd-user/main.c b/bsd-user/main.c
index 8a270ccfe6..43c578c760 100644
--- a/bsd-user/main.c
+++ b/bsd-user/main.c
@@ -88,180 +88,10 @@ void fork_end(int child)
-#ifdef TARGET_I386
-/* CPUX86 core interface */
-uint64_t cpu_get_tsc(CPUX86State *env)
-    return cpu_get_host_ticks();
-static void write_dt(void *ptr, unsigned long addr, unsigned long limit,
-                     int flags)
-    unsigned int e1, e2;
-    uint32_t *p;
-    e1 = (addr << 16) | (limit & 0xffff);
-    e2 = ((addr >> 16) & 0xff) | (addr & 0xff000000) | (limit & 0x000f0000);
-    e2 |= flags;
-    p = ptr;
-    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
-    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
-static uint64_t *idt_table;
-#ifdef TARGET_X86_64
-static void set_gate64(void *ptr, unsigned int type, unsigned int dpl,
-                       uint64_t addr, unsigned int sel)
-    uint32_t *p, e1, e2;
-    e1 = (addr & 0xffff) | (sel << 16);
-    e2 = (addr & 0xffff0000) | 0x8000 | (dpl << 13) | (type << 8);
-    p = ptr;
-    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
-    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
-    p[2] = tswap32(addr >> 32);
-    p[3] = 0;
-/* only dpl matters as we do only user space emulation */
-static void set_idt(int n, unsigned int dpl)
-    set_gate64(idt_table + n * 2, 0, dpl, 0, 0);
-static void set_gate(void *ptr, unsigned int type, unsigned int dpl,
-                     uint32_t addr, unsigned int sel)
-    uint32_t *p, e1, e2;
-    e1 = (addr & 0xffff) | (sel << 16);
-    e2 = (addr & 0xffff0000) | 0x8000 | (dpl << 13) | (type << 8);
-    p = ptr;
-    p[0] = tswap32(e1);
-    p[1] = tswap32(e2);
-/* only dpl matters as we do only user space emulation */
-static void set_idt(int n, unsigned int dpl)
-    set_gate(idt_table + n, 0, dpl, 0, 0);
-void cpu_loop(CPUX86State *env)
+#ifdef TARGET_I386 /* stopgap ifdef */
+void cpu_loop(CPUArchState *env)
-    CPUState *cs = env_cpu(env);
-    int trapnr;
-    abi_ulong pc;
-    /* target_siginfo_t info; */
-    for (;;) {
-        cpu_exec_start(cs);
-        trapnr = cpu_exec(cs);
-        cpu_exec_end(cs);
-        process_queued_cpu_work(cs);
-        switch (trapnr) {
-        case 0x80:
-            /* syscall from int $0x80 */
-            if (bsd_type == target_freebsd) {
-                abi_ulong params = (abi_ulong) env->regs[R_ESP] +
-                    sizeof(int32_t);
-                int32_t syscall_nr = env->regs[R_EAX];
-                int32_t arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8;
-                if (syscall_nr == TARGET_FREEBSD_NR_syscall) {
-                    get_user_s32(syscall_nr, params);
-                    params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                } else if (syscall_nr == TARGET_FREEBSD_NR___syscall) {
-                    get_user_s32(syscall_nr, params);
-                    params += sizeof(int64_t);
-                }
-                get_user_s32(arg1, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg2, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg3, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg4, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg5, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg6, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg7, params);
-                params += sizeof(int32_t);
-                get_user_s32(arg8, params);
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_freebsd_syscall(env,
-                                                      syscall_nr,
-                                                      arg1,
-                                                      arg2,
-                                                      arg3,
-                                                      arg4,
-                                                      arg5,
-                                                      arg6,
-                                                      arg7,
-                                                      arg8);
-            } else { /* if (bsd_type == target_openbsd) */
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_openbsd_syscall(env,
-                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EBX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_ECX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EBP]);
-            }
-            if (((abi_ulong)env->regs[R_EAX]) >= (abi_ulong)(-515)) {
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = -env->regs[R_EAX];
-                env->eflags |= CC_C;
-            } else {
-                env->eflags &= ~CC_C;
-            }
-            break;
-#ifndef TARGET_ABI32
-        case EXCP_SYSCALL:
-            /* syscall from syscall instruction */
-            if (bsd_type == target_freebsd) {
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_freebsd_syscall(env,
-                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_ECX],
-                                                      env->regs[8],
-                                                      env->regs[9], 0, 0);
-            } else { /* if (bsd_type == target_openbsd) */
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = do_openbsd_syscall(env,
-                                                      env->regs[R_EAX],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_ESI],
-                                                      env->regs[R_EDX],
-                                                      env->regs[10],
-                                                      env->regs[8],
-                                                      env->regs[9]);
-            }
-            env->eip = env->exception_next_eip;
-            if (((abi_ulong)env->regs[R_EAX]) >= (abi_ulong)(-515)) {
-                env->regs[R_EAX] = -env->regs[R_EAX];
-                env->eflags |= CC_C;
-            } else {
-                env->eflags &= ~CC_C;
-            }
-            break;
-        case EXCP_INTERRUPT:
-            /* just indicate that signals should be handled asap */
-            break;
-        default:
-            pc = env->segs[R_CS].base + env->eip;
-            fprintf(stderr,
-                    "qemu: 0x%08lx: unhandled CPU exception 0x%x - aborting\n",
-                    (long)pc, trapnr);
-            abort();
-        }
-        process_pending_signals(env);
-    }
+    target_cpu_loop(env);

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