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[RFC PATCH 1/3] python: add mkvenv.py

From: John Snow
Subject: [RFC PATCH 1/3] python: add mkvenv.py
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:11:17 -0400

This script will be responsible for building a Python virtual
environment at configure time. As such, it exists outside of the
installable python packages and *must* be runnable with minimal

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
 python/scripts/mkvenv.py | 445 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 445 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 python/scripts/mkvenv.py

diff --git a/python/scripts/mkvenv.py b/python/scripts/mkvenv.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d48880c4205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/scripts/mkvenv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+mkvenv - QEMU venv bootstrapping utility
+usage: TODO/FIXME
+# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Authors:
+#  John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or
+# later. See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import argparse
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+import logging
+import os
+from os import PathLike
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import traceback
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+from typing import Generator, Dict, Sequence, Optional, Union, Iterator
+import venv
+# Do not add any mandatory dependencies from outside the stdlib:
+# This script *must* be usable standalone!
+DirType = Union[str, bytes, 'PathLike[str]', 'PathLike[bytes]']
+logger = logging.getLogger('mkvenv')
+class Ouch(RuntimeError):
+    """An Exception class we can't confuse with a builtin."""
+class QemuEnvBuilder(venv.EnvBuilder):
+    """
+    An extension of venv.EnvBuilder for building QEMU's configure-time venv.
+    The only functional change is that it adds the ability to regenerate
+    console_script shims for packages available via system_site
+    packages.
+    (And a metric ton of debugging printfs)
+    Parameters for base class init:
+      - system_site_packages: bool = False
+      - clear: bool = False
+      - symlinks: bool = False
+      - upgrade: bool = False
+      - with_pip: bool = False
+      - prompt: Optional[str] = None
+      - upgrade_deps: bool = False             (Since 3.9)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+        self.script_packages = kwargs.pop('script_packages', ())
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # venv class is cute and toggles this off before post_setup,
+        # but we need it to decide if we want to generate shims or not.
+        self._system_site_packages = self.system_site_packages
+        # Make the context available post-creation:
+        self._context: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None
+    def ensure_directories(self, env_dir: DirType) -> SimpleNamespace:
+        logger.debug("ensure_directories(env_dir=%s)", env_dir)
+        context = super().ensure_directories(env_dir)
+        # Here's what's in the context blob:
+        logger.debug("env_dir      %s", context.env_dir)
+        logger.debug("env_name     %s", context.env_name)
+        logger.debug("prompt       %s", context.prompt)
+        logger.debug("executable   %s", context.executable)
+        logger.debug("inc_path     %s", context.inc_path)
+        if 'lib_path' in context.__dict__:
+            # 3.12+
+            logger.debug("lib_path     %s", context.lib_path)
+        logger.debug("bin_path     %s", context.bin_path)
+        logger.debug("bin_name     %s", context.bin_name)
+        logger.debug("env_exe      %s", context.env_exe)
+        if 'env_exec_cmd' in context.__dict__:
+            # 3.9+
+            logger.debug("env_exec_cmd %s", context.env_exec_cmd)
+        self._context = context
+        return context
+    def create(self, env_dir: DirType) -> None:
+        logger.debug("create(env_dir=%s)", env_dir)
+        super().create(env_dir)
+        self.post_post_setup(self._context)
+    def create_configuration(self, context: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
+        logger.debug("create_configuration(...)")
+        super().create_configuration(context)
+    def setup_python(self, context: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
+        logger.debug("setup_python(...)")
+        super().setup_python(context)
+    def setup_scripts(self, context: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
+        logger.debug("setup_scripts(...)")
+        super().setup_scripts(context)
+    # def upgrade_dependencies(self, context): ...  # only Since 3.9
+    def post_setup(self, context: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
+        # Generate console_script entry points for system packages
+        # e.g. meson, sphinx, pip, etc.
+        logger.debug("post_setup(...)")
+        if self._system_site_packages:
+            generate_console_scripts(
+                context.env_exe, context.bin_path, self.script_packages)
+        #
+        # print the python executable to stdout for configure.
+        print(context.env_exe)
+    def post_post_setup(self, context: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
+        # This is the very final hook that occurs *after* enabling
+        # system-site-packages.
+        subprocess.run((context.env_exe, __file__, 'checkpip'), check=True)
+def need_ensurepip() -> bool:
+    """
+    Tests for the presence of setuptools and pip.
+    :return: `True` if we do not detect both packages.
+    """
+    # Don't try to actually import them, it's fraught with danger:
+    # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2993
+    if find_spec("setuptools") and find_spec("pip"):
+        return False
+    return True
+def make_venv(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        venv_path: Union[str, Path],
+        system_site_packages: bool = False,
+        clear: bool = True,
+        symlinks: Optional[bool] = None,
+        upgrade: bool = False,
+        with_pip: Optional[bool] = None,
+        script_packages: Sequence[str]=(),
+) -> None:
+    """
+    Create a venv using the QemuEnvBuilder class.
+    TODO: write docs O:-)
+    """
+    logging.debug("%s: make_venv(venv_path=%s, system_site_packages=%s, "
+                  "clear=%s, upgrade=%s, with_pip=%s, script_packages=%s)",
+                  __file__, str(venv_path), system_site_packages,
+                  clear, upgrade, with_pip, script_packages)
+    print(f"MKVENV {str(venv_path)}", file=sys.stderr)
+    # ensurepip is slow: venv creation can be very fast for cases where
+    # we allow the use of system_site_packages. Toggle ensure_pip on only
+    # in the cases where we really need it.
+    if with_pip is None:
+        with_pip = True if not system_site_packages else need_ensurepip()
+        logger.debug("with_pip unset, choosing %s", with_pip)
+    if symlinks is None:
+        # Default behavior of standard venv CLI
+        symlinks = os.name != "nt"
+    if with_pip and not find_spec("ensurepip"):
+        msg = ("Python's ensurepip module is not found.\n"
+               "It's normally part of the Python standard library, "
+               "maybe your distribution packages it separately?\n"
+               "Either install ensurepip, or alleviate the need for it in the "
+               "first place by installing pip and setuptools for "
+               f"'{sys.executable}'.\n"
+               "(Hint: Debian puts ensurepip in its python3-venv package.)")
+        raise Ouch(msg)
+    builder = QemuEnvBuilder(
+        system_site_packages=system_site_packages,
+        clear=clear,
+        symlinks=symlinks,
+        upgrade=upgrade,
+        with_pip=with_pip,
+        script_packages=script_packages,
+    )
+    try:
+        logger.debug("Invoking builder.create()")
+        try:
+            builder.create(str(venv_path))
+        except SystemExit as exc:
+            # Some versions of the venv module raise SystemExit; *nasty*!
+            # We want the exception that prompted it. It might be a subprocess
+            # error that has output we *really* want to see.
+            logger.debug("Intercepted SystemExit from EnvBuilder.create()")
+            raise exc.__cause__ or exc.__context__ or exc
+        logger.debug("builder.create() finished")
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
+        print(f"cmd: {exc.cmd}", file=sys.stderr)
+        print(f"returncode: {exc.returncode}", file=sys.stderr)
+        if exc.stdout:
+            print("========== stdout ==========", file=sys.stderr)
+            print(exc.stdout, file=sys.stderr)
+            print("============================", file=sys.stderr)
+        if exc.stderr:
+            print("========== stderr ==========", file=sys.stderr)
+            print(exc.stderr, file=sys.stderr)
+            print("============================", file=sys.stderr)
+        raise Ouch("VENV creation subprocess failed.") from exc
+def _gen_importlib(packages: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
+    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+    try:
+        # First preference: Python 3.8+ stdlib
+        from importlib.metadata import (
+            PackageNotFoundError,
+            distribution,
+        )
+    except ImportError as exc:
+        logger.debug("%s", str(exc))
+        # Second preference: Commonly available PyPI backport
+        from importlib_metadata import (
+            PackageNotFoundError,
+            distribution,
+        )
+    # Borrowed from CPython (Lib/importlib/metadata/__init__.py)
+    pattern = re.compile(
+        r'(?P<module>[\w.]+)\s*'
+        r'(:\s*(?P<attr>[\w.]+)\s*)?'
+        r'((?P<extras>\[.*\])\s*)?$'
+    )
+    def _generator() -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
+        for package in packages:
+            try:
+                entry_points = distribution(package).entry_points
+            except PackageNotFoundError:
+                continue
+            # The EntryPoints type is only available in 3.10+,
+            # treat this as a vanilla list and filter it ourselves.
+            entry_points = filter(
+                lambda ep: ep.group == 'console_scripts', entry_points)
+            for entry_point in entry_points:
+                # Python 3.8 doesn't have 'module' or 'attr' attributes
+                if not (hasattr(entry_point, 'module') and
+                        hasattr(entry_point, 'attr')):
+                    match = pattern.match(entry_point.value)
+                    assert match is not None
+                    module = match.group('module')
+                    attr = match.group('attr')
+                else:
+                    module = entry_point.module
+                    attr = entry_point.attr
+                yield {
+                    'name': entry_point.name,
+                    'module': module,
+                    'import_name': attr,
+                    'func': attr,
+                }
+    return _generator()
+def _gen_pkg_resources(packages: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
+    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+    # Bundled with setuptools; has a good chance of being available.
+    import pkg_resources
+    def _generator() -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
+        for package in packages:
+            try:
+                eps = pkg_resources.get_entry_map(package, 'console_scripts')
+            except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
+                continue
+            for entry_point in eps.values():
+                yield {
+                    'name': entry_point.name,
+                    'module': entry_point.module_name,
+                    'import_name': ".".join(entry_point.attrs),
+                    'func': ".".join(entry_point.attrs),
+                }
+    return _generator()
+# Borrowed/adapted from pip's vendored version of distutils:
+SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r'''#!{python_path:s}
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import sys
+from {module:s} import {import_name:s}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
+    sys.exit({func:s}())
+def generate_console_scripts(python_path: str, bin_path: str,
+                             packages: Sequence[str]) -> None:
+    """
+    Generate script shims for console_script entry points in @packages.
+    """
+    if not packages:
+        return
+    def _get_entry_points() -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
+        try:
+            return _gen_importlib(packages)
+        except ImportError as exc:
+            logger.debug("%s", str(exc))
+        return _gen_pkg_resources(packages)
+    try:
+        entry_points = _get_entry_points()
+    except ImportError as exc:
+        logger.debug("%s", str(exc))
+        raise Ouch(
+            "Neither importlib.metadata nor pkg_resources found, "
+            "can't generate console script shims.\n"
+            "Use Python 3.8+, or install importlib-metadata, or setuptools."
+        ) from exc
+    for entry_point in entry_points:
+        script_path = os.path.join(bin_path, entry_point['name'])
+        script = SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format(python_path=python_path, **entry_point)
+        with open(script_path, "w", encoding='UTF-8') as file:
+            file.write(script)
+            fd = file.fileno()
+            os.chmod(fd, os.stat(fd).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+        logger.debug("wrote '%s'", script_path)
+def checkpip():
+    """
+    Debian10 has a pip that's broken when used inside of a virtual environment.
+    We try to detect and correct that case here.
+    """
+    try:
+        import pip._internal
+        logger.debug("pip appears to be working correctly.")
+        return
+    except ModuleNotFoundError as exc:
+        if exc.name == 'pip._internal':
+            # Uh, fair enough. They did say "internal".
+            # Let's just assume it's fine.
+            return
+        logger.warning("pip appears to be malfunctioning: %s", str(exc))
+    # Test for ensurepip:
+    try:
+        import ensurepip
+    except ImportError as exc:
+        raise Ouch(
+            "pip appears to be non-functional, "
+            "and Python's ensurepip module is not found.\n"
+            "It's normally part of the Python standard library, "
+            "maybe your distribution packages it separately?\n"
+            "(Hint: Debian puts ensurepip in its python3-venv package.)"
+        ) from exc
+    logging.debug("Attempting to repair pip ...")
+    subprocess.run((sys.executable, '-m', 'ensurepip'),
+                   stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)
+    logging.debug("Pip is now (hopefully) repaired!")
+def main() -> int:
+    """CLI interface to make_qemu_venv. See module docstring."""
+    if os.environ.get('DEBUG') or os.environ.get('GITLAB_CI'):
+        # You're welcome.
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bootstrap QEMU venv.")
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+        title="Commands",
+        description="Various actions this utility can perform",
+        prog="prog",
+        dest="command",
+        required=True,
+        metavar="command",
+        help='Description')
+    #
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser('create', help='create a venv')
+    subparser.add_argument(
+        '--gen',
+        type=str,
+        action='append',
+        help="Regenerate console_scripts for given packages, if found.",
+    )
+    subparser.add_argument(
+        'target',
+        type=str,
+        action='store',
+        help="Target directory to install virtual environment into.",
+    )
+    #
+    subparser = subparsers.add_parser(
+        'checkpip', help='test pip and fix if necessary')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        if args.command == 'create':
+            script_packages = []
+            for element in args.gen or ():
+                script_packages.extend(element.split(","))
+            make_venv(
+                args.target,
+                system_site_packages=True,
+                clear=True,
+                upgrade=False,
+                with_pip=None,  # Autodetermine
+                script_packages=script_packages,
+            )
+            logger.debug("mkvenv.py create - exiting")
+        if args.command == 'checkpip':
+            checkpip()
+            logger.debug("mkvenv.py checkpip - exiting")
+    except Ouch as exc:
+        print("\n*** Ouch! ***\n", file=sys.stderr)
+        print(str(exc), "\n\n", file=sys.stderr)
+        return 1
+    except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
+        print("mkvenv did not complete successfully:", file=sys.stderr)
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        return 2
+    return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())

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