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copy and paste in qemu-6.1.0 without spice ?

From: Ken Moffat
Subject: copy and paste in qemu-6.1.0 without spice ?
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:04:31 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/2.1.3 (2021-09-10)

In https://www.kraxel.org/blog/2021/05/qemu-cut-paste/ I read that
qemu-6.1.0 will have copy+paste, similar to what spice has had, but
that it is turned off by default.

That article has references to the new files, and I can see that
they have been compiled in my 6.1.0 build.  It also says that
copy+paste is turned off by default for security reasons.

There is an example of how to replace the spice c+p with the
new-style, adding
 -chardev qemu-vdagent,id=ch1,name=vdagent,clipboard=on
to the invocation of qemu.

But when I add that I get:
qemu-system-x86_64: -chardev qemu-vdagent,id=ch1,name=vdagent,clipboard=on: 
'qemu-vdagent' is not a valid char driver name

Looking at the 6.1.50 docs (is that a development w-i-p version?)
the only mention of paste in the invocation section is as an option
for spice to turn off disable-copy-paste.

So, can this be used without spice in the current rlease, and if so,
what option should I use to enable copy+paste, please ?

  I drew a gun. He drew a gun. I drew another gun. Soon we were
  surrounded by lovely drawings of guns.               -- Chic Murray

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