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RE: QEMU cpu socket allocation

From: Rajesh A
Subject: RE: QEMU cpu socket allocation
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 06:23:52 +0000

Hi Peter


Thanks. Yes, I believe (Sockets,Cores,Threads) = (1,16,1) should be the best performance, as the VM does not need to access the memory of another NUMA node.


So, is it a bug that Virt Manager uses more Sockets by default, when i choose “Copy host CPU Configuration” ?




Rajesh A
Engineering Media Movement
Media Services


Direct +91 44 66674575   |  Mobile +91 9043011101   |  IP 564575





From: Peter Zay <peterzay1@gmail.com>
Sent: 18 May 2022 01:33 AM
To: Rajesh A <rajesh.a@tatacommunications.com>
Cc: qemu-discuss@nongnu.org; qemu-devel@nongnu.org; Ramya R (GIMEC) <ramya.r@tatacommunications.com>; V G ASHWINI . <Ashwini.VG@contractor.tatacommunications.com>
Subject: Re: QEMU cpu socket allocation


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Hi Rajesh,


Would the more intuitive CPU setting of (Sockets,Cores,Threads) = (1,16,1) be ok?





On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 10:03 AM Rajesh A <rajesh.a@tatacommunications.com> wrote:

Hi QEMU dev


Virt Manager is able to configure a QEMU VM with more CPU sockets than the physical host has.

For example, in the below VM, when I request 16 vCPU cores,  by default it takes as 16 Sockets with 1 core each. The host itself has only 2 Sockets.

  1. How does QEMU allow this and how the VM works?
  2. What is the recommended configuration of Sockets/Cores/Threads for best VM performance of a 16 core VM running on a 2 sockets host ?





Rajesh A
Engineering Media Movement
Media Services


Direct +91 44 66674575   |  Mobile +91 9043011101   |  IP 564575








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