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Re: SPR implementation request.

From: BALATON Zoltan
Subject: Re: SPR implementation request.
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2020 19:16:09 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (BSF 395 2020-01-19)

On Sun, 21 Jun 2020, Jd Lyons wrote:
On Jun 21, 2020, at 11:17 AM, BALATON Zoltan <balaton@eik.bme.hu> wrote:

On Sun, 21 Jun 2020, Jd Lyons wrote:
Raise exception at 0000000000000008 => 00000060 (21)
Raise exception at 00000000000b2960 => 00000042 (00)
0x00000000:  55555555  rlwinm.  r21, r10, 0xa, 0x15, 0xa
0x00000004:  55555555  rlwinm.  r21, r10, 0xa, 0x15, 0xa
0x00000008:  00000000  .byte    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

Raise exception at 0000000000000008 => 00000060 (21)
Raise exception at 00000000000b2960 => 00000042 (00)

Anyone know what’s going on here?

This is when it's already gone astray. You should go back to the last point 
when it still executed meaningful code and find out what it did that caused it 
to end up in the above repeating pattern.


It’s all Greek to me:

That's what the CPU manual is for to learn about how all this works. I know it's huge but use it as a reference to look up things you don't know. Start by finding what the SPRs in your first supposed to do to understand if any of those could be needed.

It's not too useful to post random logs on this list, instead try to find the point where it starts going off the normal execution:

qemu-system-ppc64 -M mac99 -m 1024 -hda ~/Leopard.img -serial stdio  -d 
guest_errors  -d int,in_asm
0xfff00100:  48002420  b        0xfff02520

It starts at the reset vector (see address in first column) and jumps into the ROM where it starts running the firmware (in this case OpenBIOS):

0xfff02520:  38000000  li       r0, 0
0xfff02524:  3c608000  lis      r3, -0x8000
0xfff02528:  7c631a15  add.     r3, r3, r3
0xfff0252c:  4182000c  beq      0xfff02538

0xfff02530:  7c000164  mtmsrd   r0

0xfff02534:  48000008  b        0xfff0253c

0xfff0253c:  3c60fff0  lis      r3, -0x10
0xfff02540:  38630000  addi     r3, r3, 0
0xfff02544:  38800000  li       r4, 0
0xfff02548:  38a02530  li       r5, 0x2530
0xfff0254c:  54a50038  rlwinm   r5, r5, 0, 0, 0x1c
0xfff02550:  80c30000  lwz      r6, 0(r3)

Things like the above are normal code that do something, we know from the address that this is OpenBIOS which you could look up the source to see where these come from but it should be OK until it stays in the ROM area so you can skip that.

0xfff08cb8:  7d2000a6  mfmsr    r9
0xfff08cbc:  61290030  ori      r9, r9, 0x30
0xfff08cc0:  7d200124  mtmsr    r9

Raise exception at 00000000fff08cc4 => 00000003 (40000000)
0x00000400:  48002028  b        0x2428

0x00002428:  7c3143a6  mtspr    0x111, r1

Here an exception is raised and jumps to the exception vector (see CPU manual) then calls the handler installed by OpenBIOS.

0x000024b4:  38638b9c  addi     r3, r3, -0x7464
0x000024b8:  7c6903a6  mtctr    r3
0x000024bc:  4e800421  bctrl

0xfff08b9c:  9421ffe0  stwu     r1, -0x20(r1)
0xfff08ba0:  7c0802a6  mflr     r0

Here handler seems to call something in ROM.

0xfff08ba4:  90010024  stw      r0, 0x24(r1)
0xfff08ba8:  93e1001c  stw      r31, 0x1c(r1)
0xfff08bac:  7ffa02a6  mfspr    r31, 0x1a
0xfff08bb0:  7d3b02a6  mfspr    r9, 0x1b
0xfff08bb4:  38810008  addi     r4, r1, 8
0xfff08bb8:  7fe3fb78  mr       r3, r31
0xfff08bbc:  4bfffaf1  bl       0xfff086ac

0xfff086ac:  3d20ffef  lis      r9, -0x11

Which calls more subroutines.

0xfff08bc8:  7fe3fb78  mr       r3, r31
0xfff08bcc:  4bfffbbd  bl       0xfff08788

0xfff08788:  9421ffc0  stwu     r1, -0x40(r1)
0xfff0878c:  7c0802a6  mflr     r0
0xfff08790:  429f0005  bdnzl    0xfff080x000024c8:  80010034  lwz      r0, 
0x000024cc:  7c0803a6  mtlr     r0
0x000024d0:  80010038  lwz      r0, 0x38(r1)
0x000024d4:  7c0ff120  mtcrf    0xff, r0

And either eventually returns to handler or your log is mixed up.

0x000024d8:  8001003c  lwz      r0, 0x3c(r1)
0x000024dc:  7c0903a6  mtctr    r0
0x000024e0:  80010040  lwz      r0, 0x40(r1)
0x000024e4:  7c0103a6  mtxer    r0
0x000024e8:  80010000  lwz      r0, 0(r1)
0x000024ec:  80410008  lwz      r2, 8(r1)
0x000024f0:  8061000c  lwz      r3, 0xc(r1)
0x000024f4:  80810010  lwz      r4, 0x10(r1)
0x000024f8:  80a10014  lwz      r5, 0x14(r1)
0x000024fc:  80c10018  lwz      r6, 0x18(r1)
0x00002500:  80e1001c  lwz      r7, 0x1c(r1)
0x00002504:  81010020  lwz      r8, 0x20(r1)
0x00002508:  81210024  lwz      r9, 0x24(r1)
0x0000250c:  81410028  lwz      r10, 0x28(r1)
0x00002510:  8161002c  lwz      r11, 0x2c(r1)
0x00002514:  81810030  lwz      r12, 0x30(r1)
0x00002518:  80210004  lwz      r1, 4(r1)
0x0000251c:  4c000024  rfid

0xfff08cc4:  39610020  addi     r11, r1, 0x20

Here handler "Returns From Interrupt" (not sure what d stands for but see CPU manual).

0xfff08cc8:  48027efc  b        0xfff30bc4

Raise exception at 00000000fff30bc4 => 00000003 (40000000)
0xfff30bc4:  83abfff4  lwz      r29, -0xc(r11)
0xfff30bc8:  83cbfff8  lwz      r30, -8(r11)

Another exception happens, same handler is called but does not appear in in_asm log again because it's already translated and runs from TB cache.

0xfff30bcc:  800b0004  lwz      r0, 4(r11)
0xfff30bd0:  83ebfffc  lwz      r31, -4(r11)
0xfff30bd4:  7c0803a6  mtlr     r0
0xfff30bd8:  7d615b78  mr       r1, r11
0xfff30bdc:  4e800020  blr

Raise exception at 00000000fff30bc4 => 00000002 (00)
0x00000300:  4800208c  b        0x238c

0x0000238c:  7c3143a6  mtspr    0x111, r1
0x00002390:  7c200026  mfcr     r1

A different exception and its handler...

Raise exception at 00000000fff2fa1c => 00000002 (00)
Raise exception at 00000000fff2fa1c => 00000002 (00)
0xfff0af14:  2f830000  cmpwi    cr7, r3, 0
0xfff0af18:  907d0004  stw      r3, 4(r29)
0xfff0af1c:  40be000c  bne      cr7, 0xfff0af28

It's still in the ROM here so it did not even start executing any MacOS X code yet.

qemu-system-ppc64 -M mac99 -m 1024 -hda ~/Leopard.img -serial stdio  -d 
guest_errors  -d int,in_asm
0xfff00100:  48002420  b        0xfff02520

0xfff02520:  38000000  li       r0, 0
0xfff02524:  3c608000  lis      r3, -0x8000

And your log just restarts here so you've missed the relevant part completely.

Instead you should save the log in a file (it will be big, especially if you leave it running after it repeats so try to stop quickly at that point). Then do not send it here but start reading from the end and go back until you have some code like above not random bytes executed as code like in the repeating part. Likely that's where it breaks, or a little before that. Try to understand what it wanted to do and what caused it to get into the wrong execution path to find out what needs to be fixed. This point will be somewhere before it jumped off from OpenBIOS (left area above 0xfff00000) and started executing OS code but before it got to address 0 as in the repating part.


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