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Re: [RFC PATCH 0/4] Idea for using hardfloat in PPC

From: Richard Henderson
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH 0/4] Idea for using hardfloat in PPC
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 13:37:13 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.11.0

On 10/5/22 07:37, Víctor Colombo wrote:
However, the impact in performance was not the expected. In x86_64 I
had a small 3% improvement, while in a Power9 machine there was a small
performance loss, as can be seem below (100 executions).

|        | min [s] | max [s] | avg [s] |
| before | 122.309 | 123.459 | 122.747 |
| after  | 123.906 | 125.016 | 124.373 |

I hope this is because you didn't handle the most common cases: add, sub, mul, 

The logic seems plausible, as far as it goes, and would work for the FR bit as well which afair isn't handled at all at the moment. I'll review properly in a little while.


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