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Re: [RP] Re: [PATCH] Turn off pointer warping

From: Simon White
Subject: Re: [RP] Re: [PATCH] Turn off pointer warping
Date: Thu Nov 21 05:04:01 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

21-Nov-02 at 13:57, Henrik Enberg (address@hidden) wrote :
> Shawn Betts <address@hidden> writes:
> > Jonathan Walther <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> >> I worry that now we have frames, we're going to run into the old
> >> sloppy-focus, focus-follows-mouse, and click-to-focus issues that have
> >> beset every other window manager under the sun.
> >
> > Ratpoison is a keyboard controlled window manager, how would it have
> > the same problems rat based ones would have?
>   Well, I use the mouse for pretty much one thing, scrolling.  And when
>   the pointer is warped into the wrong window, the mouse-wheel scrolls
>   where I didn't expect it.  
>   Unfortunately, there really isn't much Ratpoison can do w.r.t the way
>   X gives mouse-scroll focus.  I think the best thing would be to warp
>   to the lower right corner of the active program instead.

Fair point. For the anecdote, I gave up using scrollwheels where
possible due to certain apps not working properly with the scrollwheel
anyway, and mostly due to pain in my RH middle finger due to excessive
scrollwheel use (www.slashdot.org to blame). I use PGUP/PGDN instead and
keep my hands away from the rat as much as possible.

Now I will just get carpal tunnel syndrome from the keyboard instead :)

[Simon White. vim/mutt. address@hidden address@hidden no log script yet...]
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