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[RP] better expose

From: twb
Subject: [RP] better expose
Date: Tue Nov 18 19:42:09 2003

I didn't like the little x%2 test, so I souped it up.  It's perl now.
See attached.


PS: I'm actually still trying to work out a properly fair allocation
algorithm (rather than just doing XxY and spreading out the last row).
I'll post a quick ooffice doc once I've finished.

PPS: Started working on auto-detecting xinerama, but stopped to do

My xinerama identifies itself as v3.3[0]. ...But address@hidden
documentation [1] seems to be v2.0 (and incompatible API).

What xinerama do other people have?

[0] ref $X11/include/extensions/Xinerama.h (from XFree86 4.3.0-0ds4)
[1] ref /cvsroot/xinerama/xc/xc/doc/XineramaApi.txt


#requires: ratpoison, wc.
#TODO: rounding of division causes some 1px gaps btn frames.
#DONE: do $W-=$W%$N;$H-=$H%$N; before we start. *tick*

$RATPOISON = "ratpoison";

sub rp { return `$RATPOISON -c "@_"`; }
sub rp_batch {
    while (<>) {
        push @accum, "-c";
        push @accum, "\"$_\"";
    system ("$RATPOISON @accum");

chomp ( $fdump_original = rp "fdump") ;
rp "only";
#We use fdump to get the screen's dimensions.
#NOTE: $X and $Y should be 0 (usually).
($FID,$X,$Y,$W,$H,$XID,$AGE) = split(/ /,rp "fdump");
#we use this inelegant phrase to get the number of windows.
$N = `$RATPOISON -c windows | wc -l`;
$N =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
if ($N-1==0) { die "There's only one window!"; }
#This is why I love perl.  alist of windows' X-IDs.
@XIDS = rp "windows %i";

sub debug {
    my ( $debug ) = @_;
    print " N|   X|   Y|   W|   H|     XID|AGE\n";
    print "--+----+----+----+----+--------+---\n";
    foreach $frame (split(/,/,$debug)) {
        printf "%2d|%4d|%4d|%4d|%4d|%8d|%3d\n", split(/ /,$frame);
    } printf "\n";

sub simple_vsplit {
    my($X,$Y,$W,$H,$N,$n_OFFSET,@XIDS) = @_;
    $W-=$W%$N; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    foreach $n (1 .. $N) {
        $x = $X+($n - 1)*$W/$N;
        $y = $Y+0;
        $w = $W/$N;
        $h = $H;
        push @fdump_new, sprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d 
    return join("", @fdump_new);

sub simple_split {
    my($X,$Y,$W,$H,$N,$n_OFFSET,@XIDS) = @_;
    $H-=$H%$N; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    foreach $n (1 .. $N) {
        $x = $X+0;
        $y = $Y+($n - 1)*$H/$N;
        $w = $W;
        $h = $H/$N;
        push @fdump_new, sprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d 
    return join("", @fdump_new);

sub mediocre_vsplit {
    my($X,$Y,$W,$H,$N,$n_OFFSET,@XIDS) = @_;
    $cols=sprintf "%d", ($N) ** 0.5; 
    #You may prefer this alternative cols algorithm.  It does N[+1]xN instead 
of NxN[+1]
    #$cols=sprintf "%d", ($N-1) ** 0.5 + 1; 
    $rows=sprintf "%d", ($N-1)/$cols+1;
    $W-=$W%$cols; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    $H-=$H%$rows; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    foreach $n (1+$n_OFFSET .. $N-$N%$cols) {
        $col = ($n-1)%$cols+1;
        $x = $X+($col-1)*$W/$cols;
        $row = sprintf "%d", ($n-1)/$cols+1; #damn fool int-to-float -.-
        $y = $Y+($row-1)*$H/$rows;
        $w = $W/$cols;
        $h = $H/$rows;
        push @fdump_new, sprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d 
    if ($N%$cols) {
        push @fdump_new, 
    return join("", @fdump_new);

sub mediocre_split {
    my($X,$Y,$W,$H,$N,$n_OFFSET,@XIDS) = @_;
    $rows=sprintf "%d", ($N) ** 0.5; 
    #You may prefer this alternative rows algorithm.  It does NxN[+1] instead 
of N[+1]xN
    #$rows=sprintf "%d", ($N-1) ** 0.5 + 1; 
    $cols=sprintf "%d", ($N-1)/$rows+1;
    $H-=$H%$rows; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    $W-=$W%$cols; #clever: prevents 1px gaps btn panes!
    foreach $n (1+$n_OFFSET .. $N-$N%$rows) {
        $row = ($n-1)%$rows+1;
        $col = sprintf "%d", ($n-1)/$rows+1; #damn fool int-to-float -.-
        $x = $X+($col-1)*$W/$cols;
        $y = $Y+($row-1)*$H/$rows;
        $w = $W/$cols;
        $h = $H/$rows;
        push @fdump_new, sprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d 
    if ($N%$rows) {
#       printf "%d %d \n\n",$N%$rows,$N-$N%$rows;
         push @fdump_new,  simple_split( ($cols-1)*$W/$cols,$Y,                 
$W/$cols,$H,      $N%$rows,$N-$N%$rows,@XIDS);
        #push @fdump_new, simple_vsplit( $X,                ($rows-1)*$H/$rows, 
$W,      $H/$rows,$N%$cols,$N-$N%$cols,@XIDS);
    return join("", @fdump_new);

$sleep = 4;
#choose on of:
rp "frestore",   simple_vsplit($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS); sleep $sleep;
rp "frestore",    simple_split($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS); sleep $sleep;
rp "frestore", mediocre_vsplit($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS); sleep $sleep;
rp "frestore",  mediocre_split($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS); sleep $sleep;
rp "frestore", $fdump_original; #rp "select 0x$XID"; #Can't select by XID yet 

debug simple_split($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS);

debug mediocre_split($X, $Y, $W, $H, $N, 0, @XIDS);

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