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Re: [RP] mozilla's acrobat bindings freezer

From: twb
Subject: Re: [RP] mozilla's acrobat bindings freezer
Date: Tue Mar 30 00:01:02 2004

Quoth address@hidden (Ivan Beschastnikh) on or about Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:56:42 

>Don't know if this can be helped but when mozilla (1.5) launches it's
>own little acrobat session inside the mozilla window, ratpoison's
>native keybindings are eaten up and nothing gets passed, however this
>is only true as long as the pointer is within the acrobat window -
>when i move it out to the address bar or wherever outside the acrobat
>subwindow, ratpoison responds alright, any clues? I would run gv or
>acroread externally but this setup is convenient.

It can be helped, but not by us.  It requires changes to code in
Mozilla or, more likely, in Acrobat.  I have noticed it with the Flash
viewer, too.  You can file a bug report with mozilla, but it's
unlikely they'll do anything to suit the rat-poisoning minority, since
it'll probably require substantial redesign / recoding.

I haven't checked, but mouse emulation might still work, see the wiki
under sitemap>tips>xfree86.


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