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Re: [RP] mozilla's acrobat bindings freezer

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] mozilla's acrobat bindings freezer
Date: Thu Apr 1 23:01:07 2004
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

twb <address@hidden> writes:

> Quoth address@hidden (Ivan Beschastnikh) on or about Mon, 29 Mar 2004 
> 18:56:42 -0600:
> >Don't know if this can be helped but when mozilla (1.5) launches it's
> >own little acrobat session inside the mozilla window, ratpoison's
> >native keybindings are eaten up and nothing gets passed, however this
> >is only true as long as the pointer is within the acrobat window -
> >when i move it out to the address bar or wherever outside the acrobat
> >subwindow, ratpoison responds alright, any clues? I would run gv or
> >acroread externally but this setup is convenient.
> It can be helped, but not by us.  It requires changes to code in
> Mozilla or, more likely, in Acrobat.  I have noticed it with the Flash
> viewer, too.  You can file a bug report with mozilla, but it's
> unlikely they'll do anything to suit the rat-poisoning minority, since
> it'll probably require substantial redesign / recoding.

Right now ratpoison only grabs the key on the top level
window. Perhaps it just needs to grab the key on ALL the windows. Of
course, if they go and grab the keyboard then I don't think there's
much we can do.


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