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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Gambit -

From: arbiter
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Gambit -
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 18:51:54 -0400
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A package was submitted to
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Ted Turocy <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Gambit
System name: gambit
Type: 2

Gambit is a library of tools, with a cross-platform graphical interface and 
scripting language, for doing game theory on finite extensive and normal form 
games.  Gambit traces its roots back to work done by the late Richard McKelvey 
in the mid-1980s, and was extensively developed in the mid-1990s under a 
National Science Foundation grant to Caltech and Minnesota.  One of the terms 
of the grant was that all Gambit code would be made publicly available.  With 
our upcoming 0.97.x.x releases, Gambit will be GPLed, and we are moving to a 
more \"modern\" open source/free software development model.

Gambit is written in C++, developed primarily for the gcc series of compilers 
and Borland\'s free C++ 5.5 compiler.  Gambit depends only on wxWindows 
(, a free cross-platform graphical interface library, 
and its dependencies, which are also free.  (In principle, one *could* build 
the Gambit graphical interface on Unix with the Motif version of wxWindows, but 
we don\'t support it, since we like GTK much better.)

It already exists and you can download the latest distribution at  (There is still a registration form on the 
site, which will be removed once we can set up the usual mailing lists 
gambit-announce, gambit-users, gambit-devel.)

Other Software Required:
Building the graphical interface requires wxWindows ( 
 Building the basic libraries requires only a reasonably modern C++ compiler.

Other Comments:

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