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[Savannah-hackers] GNU Visualization of Complier Graphs (#3151)

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] GNU Visualization of Complier Graphs (#3151)
Date: 16 Oct 2002 19:05:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

Submitted Description: This is not my project, but I am taking over
the maintence of it. There has been no updates on this in years, and I
have received patches from the author to make it GNU compatible. Parts
of the older code were "Uglified" and I will be making hopefully a
"GNU VCG" one that is %100 GNU compliant. Also I would like to turn
this into a generic layout component and embed it inside of GNOME
DIA. The project VCG was written by Georg Sander address@hidden
and others as part of ESPRIT project. Here is the home
----------------------------------------------------------- quote:
----------------------------------------------------------- The VCG
tool reads a textual and readable specification of a graph and
visualizes the graph. If not all positions of nodes are fixed, the
tool layouts the graph using several heuristics as reducing the number
of crossings, minimizing the size of edges, centering of nodes. The
specification language of the VCG tool is nearly compatible to GRL,
the language of the edge tool, but contains many extensions. The VCG
tool allows folding of dynamically or statically specified regions of
the graph. It uses colors and runs on X11 and MS Windows 3.1. (An
older version runs on Sunview). -------

Since your project does not seems to be part of the
GNU project yet, we cannot accept that project name
for it. Of course there are lots of non-GNU projects
with names such as gnuplot and gnuboy, but they are
not hosted in Savannah.

In the projects we host we want to keep the distinction
 between GNU and non-GNU projects, to avoid confusion.

If your project is accepted into the GNU project, you
 can change its name later on.

Could you create a tarball with the code as it
now exists and make it available to a temporary URL
(and add this url to your description while submitting
the project)?

We want to help you fix potential legal issues.
For example, in order to release your project under
the GPL you should write copyright notices and copying
permission statements at the beginning of every source code
file, following the advice of

Could you resubmit your project once it's done?
You can resubmit your project with ease by copying
the big re-registration URL provided in the mail
you received  at submission


Mathieu Roy
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