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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Billnet simulator for Neural Networks

From: vasvir
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Billnet simulator for Neural Networks -
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 16:11:20 -0500
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A package was submitted to
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

Vassilis Virvilis <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Billnet simulator for Neural Networks
System name: billnet
Type: non-GNU


The old billnet is: (taken from the billnet.lsm)

Billnet is a fast and free neural network simulator which
currently implements several algorithms like back_prop,
perceptron, some members (the good ones) from the aleco
family, rprop, conjugate gradient, knn, fast knn
(Nene-Nayar), quickprop, deltabardelta, extended
deltabardelta, supersab, BFGS, Levemberg-Marquart, Dogleg                
kmeans, som, FLF

The new billnet that hopefully will be hosted in savanah is a heavily revised 
version that features autotools compilation, dlls, multiple scenarios on the 
same configuration file, linear weight mapping, doxygen support and more. 
Currently the new billnet has only perceptron ported to the new interface. 
Hopefully the rest of the algorithms along with the preprocessors will be 
ported soon.

Currently I don\'t have write access to the url I gave above but I can mail you 
the source code of the new billnet at request and of course you can download 
old one.

      Vassilis Virvilis

Other Software Required:
maybe ccmath but later.

Other Comments:

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