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[Savannah-hackers] [Richard Stallman <address@hidden>] Re: Maintainer n

From: James Youngman
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] [Richard Stallman <address@hidden>] Re: Maintainer needed for Findutils
Date: 20 May 2003 01:13:40 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Hi there.  

As you'll see below, I've recently been appinted as maintainer of GNU
findutils.  I've emailed Kevin Dalley asking him to add me as a
project administrator of the findutils project.  However, susequent
emails from third parties have convinced me that Kevin is likely to be
too busy to do anything about that in the near future.  Therefore
please could you add me as a project administrator for the project
(please do *not* remove Kevin, however).  Please see the attached
email from RMS regarding my appointment.

Many thanks, 
James Youngman.

--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: Maintainer needed for Findutils Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 08:23:23 -0400
I've decided to accept your offer.

I hereby appoint you as the new maintainer of findutils
Please notify me if ever you wish to step down.

The new-gnu people will mail you a file, maintain.text, which
describes a lot of procedures for GNU maintainers.  The file also
describes who you can ask for various kinds of support or advice.  If
you encounter a situation where it isn't clear what to do, you can
also ask address@hidden, which is a list of a few other GNU
maintainers who have offered to answer questions for new maintainers.

They will also add you to the gnu-prog mailing list, a moderated list
for announcements to GNU maintainers.  They will also add you to the
gnu-prog-disc list, which can be used for discussion among GNU
maintainers, but whether to stay on the list is up to you.

If is the distribution site, please tell
address@hidden when you have a version to release.  If you need,
we can make an acct for you on so you can install new

If the distribution site is not now, we can move it there
if you wish.  We invite you to put the CVS repository on, but it is ok to use another site if you prefer.

Please write or update the web pages about the program, to put in  These pages should be the
main web site for the program, and they should really have the
information for users, not just a link to another site; please use whenever you give out the URL
for the home page of the program.  Please don't set up a "site for the
program" anywhere else--if you want to do work on additional web pages
about the program, please put them on

(It is ok to put pages that address developers-only topics on another
site, and likewise for pages that access databases.)

In writing the web pages, please follow the style guidelines in  You can send the
pages to address@hidden when you are done, or you can use Savannah
to install and edit them directly.

We invite you to use Savannah as the CVS repository both the program
and its web pages.  This makes it easy to update the web pages, since
whatever you install through CVS will automatically appear on  Using Savannah will also help the GNU Project in other
ways.  To set this up, visit

Please also write an entry or a change for the page, and mail that to
address@hidden also.  Note that we don't want to talk about
proprietary software, so if you have worked on any, please don't
mention it here.  Your entry can include a link to your home page
provided it fits our usual criteria for what we link to.

Please make sure that the program has an up-to-date entry in our Free
Software Directory.  Contact address@hidden for more info about this.

Please talk with address@hidden about creating the mailing lists that
you need.  There should be at least one, address@hidden, for
reporting bugs.  Please tell them whether you would like this list to
be open to the public or just an alias going to whoever you choose.
Also please say whether you would like to have a public archive of the

If there are a few alternative names that might be natural for users
to use, let's make all the aliases that might be useful.  If you want
these lists to be aliases for lists on your site, that is ok; ask
new-gnu to set them up that way.

Some GNU programs have another mailing list, address@hidden,
for people to ask other users for help.  And some programs have a list
address@hidden for sending announcements to the users.  (These
are often moderated.)  Please think about whether such lists are
appropriate for this program; please ask for them if you want them.

When you make a release, please mail an announcement to
address@hidden about the existence of the program.  Include a brief
description of the program so people can tell whether they are
interested in using it.  The announcement should mention the web pages
on, and say where to get the program by ftp.

new-gnu people, could you please enter James Youngman in
gnuorg/maintainers for findutils?  Also add him to the gnu-prog lists,
if he is not on them already, and send him a copy of maintain.text.

--- End Message ---

James Youngman
Manchester, UK.  

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