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[Savannah-hackers] submission of FreeOSZoo -

From: jm
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of FreeOSZoo -
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 04:52:41 -0400
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Jean-Michel Pouré <address@hidden> a décrit le projet comme suit :
Licence: website
Autre Licence: 
Paquet: FreeOSZoo
Nom système: freeoszoo
Type: non-GNU

FreeOSZoo is a library of guest Free Operating Systems running inside QEMU 
emulator. We are working in several directions:

- Package existing Free Software OSes for Qemu (not hosted on Savannah) and 
realease ready-to-run images with configuration screens. Savanna will not be 
used for that purpose.

- Create a FreeOSZoo hotdelivery XML format, gathering all information needed 
to download and install FreeOSZoo images. We hope that the FreeOSZoo 
hotdelivery XML format will allow the next generation of QEMU GUIs to connect 
to a distribution site and download the needed files automatically.

- Realease a QEMU GUI which will be able to connect to the FreeOSZoo library, 
download a guest OS and install it.

FreeOSZoo homepage is available at the following address: and soon

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