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Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of yod.el

From: Thorsten Sauter
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of yod.el
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:36:17 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040803i

Hi Dennis,

I'm currently evaluating your request to approve yodel as a new project.

As far as I can see at the moment most of the requirements are satisfied.
I have only some small changes, which are needed to complete the procedure.

1. GIF images in your web page
   Please remove GIF image files from your project and
   replace them with an other format (such as PNG or JPEG).

   Because of the patents (Unisys and IBM) covering the LZW
   compression algorithm which are used when making GIF files,
   it's impossible to have free software to generate proper
   GIFs.  They also apply to the compress program.

   For more information read

2. ycrypt tarball
   Every file needs a proper copyright information at top of the file.
   The following files doesn't contain any information about the copyright
   - src/fake_glib.h
   - src/Makefile.linux
   - src/
   - rc/prpl.h
   - src/yah.c
   - src/yahoo_process_auth.c

   For these files must have a copyright statement.

3. problem with the ycrypt license
   Under which license have you published the project at all?  Please include
   a copy of the GPL or any other compatible license. Note: GPL-compatibility
   is needed for an approval on Savannah.

Thanks for your interest and patience on Savannah.


Thorsten Sauter

                                (Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?)

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