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[savannah-help-public] Seeking advice w.r.t. copyright & license of Path

From: Stefan Vargyas
Subject: [savannah-help-public] Seeking advice w.r.t. copyright & license of Path-Set's meta-tools
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 03:10:01 -0700

Dear Savannah Hackers,

The purpose of my email is to get from you guys advice about copyright
and licensing of a set of patches of one of the meta-tools of Path-Set
( -- the 'graph' program
of GNU 'plotutils' v2.6 (licensed with GPL v3).

The reason for the intent of including these patch files in Path-Set's
repository is straightforward: I want all the aggregated and formatted
statistics data Path-Set is producing to be completely reproducible by
anyone using the program.

The patches I am referring to starts from the changes made by Daniel
Llorens, On
top of that patch (see it attached), I added a few more of my own.

Now, here is my question: under which copyright and license stipulation
should Path-Set include Llorens' patch, if such a stipulation should at
all be stated therein?

I'm sorry for bothering with what is likely a minor thing for you guys,
but really need your opinion before committing the files to Path-Set's
public repository.


Stefan Vargyas.

PS: for sake of completeness of reference, here are the commands that
produced 'graph-legend.patch':

  $ git clone

  $ git --git-dir plotutils-graph-patches-lloda/.git \
    diff 798e423..4411194 --no-prefix -b|
    filterdiff -i -i '*.[hc]' \
    > graph-legend.patch

Attachment: graph-legend.patch
Description: Binary data

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