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Re: Support for OSC 52?

From: Neal Fultz
Subject: Re: Support for OSC 52?
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 07:55:24 -0700

I would recommend trying the helper functions from hterm:

echo 123 | osc52 

works fine with hterm -> ssh -> screen 4.08 

You can read the script to see the extra escaping they do.

Based on my experience with osc 1337 it also may have some edge cases with the scrollback.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 7:10 AM Nieko Maatjes via General GNU Screen discussion <> wrote:

I've been trying to get OSC 52 to work, which would let me copy text
from within my SSH session to my OS clipboard without using my mouse
(e.g. via

In my Alacritty terminal (on Debian testing, with TERM=xterm-256color),
if I run the following, it puts "test" in my OS clipboard:

printf "\033]52;c;$(printf "%s" "test" | base64)\a"

However, when run from within screen 4.09.00 (with an empty screenrc),
this doesn't work. (I.e., the OS clipboard stays unaltered.)

Does screen support OSC 52? If so, how would I configure support? If
not, is this planned to be implemented?

Best regards,

N: Nieko Maatjes
O: Nieko @ IRCNet

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