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Re: Literate Programming

From: Phil
Subject: Re: Literate Programming
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2022 08:11:50 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Hi Arun,

Arun Isaac writes:

> Hi Phil,

> Very interesting! I'm curious to see how you've done this. If it's a
> public channel, could you share a link? I might use this idea in my own
> Guix channels.

> I agree this is the simpler approach.

Thanks for the advice.

I played around with a few approaches and found your could write a
wrapper script to call skribilo from guix repl:

The channel is at my workplace and currently private alas, but I shared
the script on guix-devel so you can grab it from there.  If you have any
feedback also interested:

You don't even need the hardcoded (add-to-load-path) statements
providing you run inside an a guix environment containing --ad-hoc
references to skribilo and guile packages, which removes the most ugly
thing about the script.

I realised with guix at least you don't even need to co-locate the
skribilo doc in the repo with your packages, as you can retrieve packages
programatically in guix (although they'll lack comments/formatting/style
of the original file).  I've proposed a fix to make this work for a
wider range of packages in the link here:

> Yes, definitely, that would be very useful. We should also support
> define-record-type, define-syntax, etc. Maybe, we should make it more
> versatile by supporting any define-* symbol.
> Patches welcome, if you are interested! If not, could you please create
> a bug report by writing to our debbugs bug tracker at
> ? Someone else might take it up in the future.

OK - great, if it's simple enough I will do a define-* patch myself, or
raise it as suggested.


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