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[Sks-devel] Internal SKS keyserver behind firewall needs peer(s) to sync

From: Gabriel David (OI&T V)
Subject: [Sks-devel] Internal SKS keyserver behind firewall needs peer(s) to sync
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 07:50:25 +0000

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--- Begin Message --- Subject: Internal SKS keyserver behind firewall needs peer(s) to sync Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 07:50:25 +0000

at our company we're in setting up an internal sks server to sync our
clients and servers with, because all port >1024 are blocked in the
firewall. The server won't be exposed to the internet, but will be
allowed to build outbound connections on its own (don't ask, our
security dept is serious about this...). The keyserver will only
syncronize with external keyservers, it won't accept new keys by itself
and because of this specific setup won't need to sync back to other
servers - it should act as mere slave to other public gpg servers.

At the moment I have installed sks-1.1.4 and populated it with a recent
dump, but I would need some peers to regurlarly sync it up. IP is (maps back to Would some of you guy be so
nice and add that IP to their membership files?

br and thanks in advance,

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