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Speech Dispacher + Perl

From: Tomas Cerha
Subject: Speech Dispacher + Perl
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:45 2006

Milan Zamazal wrote:
>>>>>>"RB" == Ricky Buchanan <address@hidden> writes:
>     RB> The main problem I'll probably have is getting the module to
>     RB> talk to the C library stuff in SpeechD.  
> You might want to talk to Speech Dispatcher directly, via a socket
> communication, using the SSIP protocol described in the Speech
> Dispatcher documentation.  (I personally prefer language native
> libraries over wrapping C libraries, for headache avoidance reasons.:-)

You can also have a look at Python interface, which is included in current
speechd sources.  It is very basic, but it works, so you can use it as an
inspiration for writing the Perl interface.

Best regards,

Tomas Cerha.

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