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festival voices

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: festival voices
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:46 2006

>>>>> "JH" == Jon Hood <address@hidden> writes:

    JH> I added the following to /usr/lib/festival/init.scm and set
    JH> "female1" in speechd.conf, but still no beans:

You can try to telnet to the Festival server and check manually that
everything works as expected there:

  telnet localhost 1314
  (speechd-set-language "en")
  (speechd-set-voice "female1")
  (utt.play (speechd-speak* "Hello world."))

If the commands respond with LP (and some other information) and you can
hear "hello world" in the expected voice, the Festival configuration is
OK.  Otherwise, if any of the commands responds with ER, investigate the
Festival server log for more information about the error.

BTW, don't forget you have to restart both Festival and Speech
Dispatcher so that any Festival configuration change took its effect.
The proper restarting sequence is: Stop Speech Dispatcher, restart
Festival server, start Speech Dispatcher.


Milan Zamazal


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