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SpeechDispatcher for LSR

From: Peter Parente
Subject: SpeechDispatcher for LSR
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:52 2006

I've implemented and committed to CVS a SpeechDispatcher device
definition for LSR (http://live.gnome.org/LSR). It requires speechd
0.6.1 and should be considered alpha level.

To try it, install and configure speechd and LSR from CVS
http://live.gnome.org/LSR/GettingStarted). Then do the following to
make it the preferred speech output device (over all other supported
devices) for LSR:

lsr -a SpeechDispatcher --index=0

Configuration of preferred devices will be accessible through a
settings dialog instead of the command line in the near future.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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