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problem with festival output module

From: Halim Sahin
Subject: problem with festival output module
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 18:15:37 +0200


I have a festival server running on port 1314.
But I am allways getting the following:

[Thu May 17 18:08:35 2007 : 333874] speechd: ERROR: Module festival
to initialize. Reason: --------------- Communicating with Festival
a socket. Can't connect to Festival server. Check your configuration in
etc/speechd-modules/festival.conf for the specified host and port and
check if Festival is really running there, e.g. with telnet. Please see
documentation for more info.  ---------------

The used version is speechd from cvs. The official verssion 0.-6.2 has
the same problem.

Any Ideas?

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