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No speech when change over to Speech-Dispatcher synth!

From: Paul J . Traynor
Subject: No speech when change over to Speech-Dispatcher synth!
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:36:28 -0000

Hi Halim and Peter,

Thank you both for your quick response to my questions. I have so far now
got speech dispatcher to show up in the Orca speech preferences but when I
change from the default  Gnome speech services over to speech dispatcher and
then tab over to the different voices I  note there are none to choose from.
I get no speech output when I then try to make speech dispatcher the default
and have to change back to Gnome speech services.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
[mailto:speechd-bounces at lists.freebsoft.org] On Behalf Of Halim Sahin
Sent: 21 December 2009 10:12
To: speechd at lists.freebsoft.org
Subject: Re: Speech dispatcher in FC12

Check if the speech-dispatcher python bindings are installed.
Run python and type
import speechd
If no errors then the python bindings are installed.
In this case orca should show it in it's speech tab.

I am not using FC12 and don't know if python-speechd is a separate package
or not.

Good Luck.

Halim Sahin
halim.sahin (at) t-online.de

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