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configuring speech dispatcher for the svox-pico tts

From: erwin
Subject: configuring speech dispatcher for the svox-pico tts
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 05:52:42 +0200

Le Wed, 26 May 2010 13:35:48 -0700 (PDT)
Don Raikes <DON.RAIKES at oracle.com> ?crivait:

> Hello,
> I am working on getting the svox pico tts to work on my Vinux 3.0RC5 system.
> I have installed the tts from the Vinux repository, but now am not sure how 
> to go about configuring speech-dispatcher to use it as my primary tts.
> Any tips would be appreciated.


1) in the file "espeak-generic.conf", replace the two lines

GenericExecuteSynth \
"echo \"$DATA\" | espeak -w /tmp/espeak.wav -v $VOICE -s $RATE -a $VOLUME -p 
$PITCH $PUNCT --stdin && aplay /tmp/espeak.wav"

by :

GenericExecuteSynth "pico2wave -l en-EN -w /tmp/pico.wav \"$DATA\" | aplay 

2) in the file "speechd.conf", uncomment the line #AddModule "espeak-generic" 
"sd_generic" "espeak-generic.conf"
choose as default module "generic"

(for french, german, spanish, the generic module needs recompilation, to avoid 
recoding UTF-8 in ISO-8859..)

Erwin Bliesenick

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