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[PATCH] Update protocols to support tone generation.

From: Bohdan R . Rau
Subject: [PATCH] Update protocols to support tone generation.
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 08:51:50 +0200

On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 17:56:52 +0000, Andrei.Kholodnyi at gmail.com wrote:
> All,
> Any further comments on that thread?

A little improvement.

The TONE command should look like:

TONE freq[-finalfreq] duration [shape] [attack,decay,sustain,release]

Shape must be one of: SINE TRIANGLE SAWTOOTH SQUARE (or min. two letter
attack,decay,sustain,release must be integers in range 0..1000

Default values are:
finalfreq - same as freq
shape - SINE
adsr - 5 0 1000 5

Tone generator may render SINE as TRIANGLE (in fact difference between
sine and triangle is very small)

Question: should we use also 'volume' in command parameters? If not, tone
generator must render all waveforms with same loudness.


Simple 'beep':
TONE 440 200 

TONE 110-660 100

TONE 1000 200 SQU 0,80,200,50

http://milena.polip.com/ - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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