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speechd-el faces, voices, parameters.

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: speechd-el faces, voices, parameters.
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:15:51 +0100

>>>>> "PL" == Pierre Lorenzon <devel at pollock-nageoire.net> writes:

    PL> 1. When associating a voice to a face, face is assumed by
    PL> speechd-el to be a symbol whereas in emacs it might be a list
    PL> of symbols. A minimal solution to this problem is to slightly
    PL> modify the test in the speechd-el code. I have done it for my
    PL> own and it works. But I suspect that when there are multiple
    PL> faces at a point emacs applies certain rules to treat this
    PL> list. Ideally speechd-el should follow these rules "vocally" !

Thanks for reporting this, I'll try to look at it when I have
opportunity to work on speechd-el.
    PL> 2. When we have a voice associated to a face, I suspect that
    PL> when switching to it, not all parameters are passed. Indeed I
    PL> have a first voice associated to the latex-mode that is
    PL> intended to read the current text. The punctuation mode for
    PL> this voice is set to some which seems the most convenient. But
    PL> when fiding a formula (between dollars) the face changes. At
    PL> this point it might be very convenint that everything is
    PL> read. Hence I defined another voice associated to the
    PL> font-latex-math-face whose punctuation mode is all. When
    PL> encountering a formula there actually is a voice switching
    PL> (text voice is female since formula voice is male) so I can
    PL> hear it ! But punctuation mode remains to some ! 

Looking at `speechd--voice-parameters' it seems it's an intended
behavior.  The reason may be that faces were assumed to be spoken in
different voices, while switching speech modes there was undesirable.
But your case makes perfect sense to switch speech modes on faces as

You can try, as a quick hack, to add `punctuation-mode' to allowed
parameters in `speechd--voice-parameters'.

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