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Re: How to migrate from module_speak to module_speak_sync?

From: Cameron Wong
Subject: Re: How to migrate from module_speak to module_speak_sync?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 09:18:55 +0800

Hello Samuel,

Thank you for your help!

I checkout speechd master HEAD, revert to my module code to that works on 0.10.0.rc2 and make. Here is the error:

make[3]: Entering directory '/home/hgneng/ekho/speechd-api/src/modules'
  CXX      sd_ekho-ekho.o
ekho.cpp:27:10: fatal error: module_utils_speak_queue.h: No such file or directory
   27 | #include "module_utils_speak_queue.h"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

File module_utils_speak_queue seems removed, how should I fix this issue?


Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@ens-lyon.org> 于2021年11月16日周二 下午8:35写道:

Cameron Wong, le mar. 16 nov. 2021 12:23:50 +0800, a ecrit:
> When I did the migration, I noticed that a main change in API was that
> module_speak was replaced by module_speak_sync. I think this is where I did the
> wrong implementation.

Mmm, it is not replaced, module_speak as it was before should continue
to work just fine, you shouldn't have to change anything. If something
broke we want to fix it, not circumvent the issue.

What happens if you just keep your module unchanged as it was for speech
dispatcher 0.10, and recompile it against 0.11?

> I mainly implemented my code basing on espeak.c. Is there a document or sample
> module that tells me how to implement module_speak_sync?

There are the src/modules/skeleton*.c examples.


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