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[Straw-devel] Adding blog posting support

From: Eric Gaumer
Subject: [Straw-devel] Adding blog posting support
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 17:29:31 -0700
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050401)


        I think Straw is a great application and I use it everyday.
I've recently gotten into the whole blogging scene. I've been using
Straw to read feeds and BloGTK to post. Recently a friend and I have
been contemplating on merging the two bodies of code into one application
(both use Python/PyGTK).

We're basing the concept around how email works. I read/write email using
a single application. Some abstract goals would involve being able to read
a feed and simply reply (we want to try and use familiar terminology) to
a feed. Replying could involve posting to your blog (account) about the
feed you're reading or (if you don't have a blog) it could simply involve
posting a comment to the feed. It would also handle all the trackback and
pingback stuff.

We haven't worked out any of the technical aspects, we're just dancing
with conceptual notions at this point. We would support Blogger, MetaWeblog,
and Movable Type. BloGTK does a decent job right now and we would base
a lot of code off that project (which seems pretty decadent these days).

The idea is that Straw could be an application that really takes the whole
blogging/RSS/XML thing to another level. We want to allow users to not only
read feeds but reply to feeds and manipulate their blogs or at least, post

Is there any type of plugin architecture for straw? I don't imagine it
would difficult to integrate such a tool since it's written in Python.

Does anyone feel this would be a worthwhile project? Can anyone see any
potential roadblocks?

Admittedly, neither of us are experts on the blog APIs nor or we heavily
experienced in Python. Most of our experience is with C/C++ but we've been
doing some light hacks on BloGTK (fixing issues) and we suddenly realized
the potential of the language.

We have all the documentation for the blog APIs and we've been sharpening
our Python skills. We feel pretty confident that we could pull this off.

Anyway, I'd be interested in the thoughts anyone might have about this.

Eric Gaumer
Debian GNU/Linux PPC
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