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Re: [STUMP] Great wm, and getting more modifiers to work

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Great wm, and getting more modifiers to work
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:14:24 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (berkeley-unix)

Jeremy Hankins <address@hidden> writes:

> My first attempt at sending this (via gmane) was held for the moderator
> (I've canceled it) because I wasn't subscribed.  Evidently gmane doesn't
> know the list is subscribers-only?

I've long since lost the moderator password. If anyone feels like
picking up the torch and actually sifting through all the spam let me

> First, very interesting window manager!  Thanks!

You're Welcome!

> Second, what needs to be done to get more modifiers (e.g., super) to
> work?  I looked things over a bit, but I'm afraid I didn't understand
> enough of what's going on.  Pointers to docs are welcome.

You need to make sure you have keycodes bound to Super_L/R, Hyper_L/R,
etc. then you need to add these keysyms to a free modifier slot (see
xmodmap). Stumpwm scans this list and figures what mod slot is what
modifier. Then you can bind a command using the same syntax as emacs:

s-!   super + shift + 1
s-S-1 super + shift + 1 (try this if the above doesn't work)
H-n   hyper + n

> Third, I thought I'd share what I've done with it so far, if it's of
> interest.  This can be used to, for example, run a single firefox window
> and find it with the same command you use to start it.  I'm fairly new
> to lisp, and certainly new to common lisp, so suggestions and pointers
> are welcome.

Thanks! I rearranged it a bit and put it in CVS and added you to the


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