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[STUMP] Another Common Lisp window manager.

From: Philippe Brochard
Subject: [STUMP] Another Common Lisp window manager.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 23:10:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Hi everybody,

As I've seen that my .stumpwmrc grow and became as big as the
core.lisp and I pervert the default stumpwm behaviour. I've rebuild a
window manager from scratch (from tinywm and its 50 lines) and use
some code from stumpwm.

Here is a small apropos:

 CLFSWM is a 100% Common Lisp X11 window manager (based on Tinywm and
 Stumpwm. Many thanks to them). 
It can be driven only with the keyboard or with the mouse.

A display is divided in workspaces, groups and windows. Windows are
packed together in groups. 
By default a group is fullscreen maximized (no decorations, no
buttons, no menus: nothing, just the application fullscreen!). 
When not maximized, a group of windows can be moved, resized, tiled,
packed or filled to others groups edges. 

For its binding, CLFSWM has two modes. 
A main mode with minimal keys and no mouse grabbing to avoid conflict
with others applications. 
And a second mode with more keys and mouse actions.

In fact it's near as stumpwm but frames/groups are free and can have
any size or position (even overlap) and are fullscreen size by

I've build a little web site about it if someone have any interest in
it. Screenshots, animations and bindings can be found on it.

Thanks a lot for the limpid and excellent stumpwm code. It's a really
good example!

Best regards,


Philippe Brochard    <address@hidden>

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