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[STUMP] Stump, Emacs and X selection.

From: Dimitri Minaev
Subject: [STUMP] Stump, Emacs and X selection.
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 15:26:54 +0400


I'm trying to write a Stumpwm command that would create a note in
Org-mode and paste the current selection and some other info taken
from Firefox -- the URL and the tab title. While trying to implement
the command I met a couple of problems.

First, it doesn't work with non-Latin characters. I'm not sure whether
this is related to Stumpwm or Emacs. Stump's get-x-selection yields
correct result, but window-send-string seemingly drops all Cyrillic
characters from that string.

Then the other problem appeared. To avoid confusion between the
primary selection and the URL, I save the selection content in a
variable before putting the URL to another variable, but it seems that
these two variables are in the state of quantum entanglement. When one
of them is changed, the other one changes, too. I thought that the two
calls of (get-x-selection) might return the same object, which would
result in 'url' being replaced by 'sel'. So, I tried to copy the
string using copy-seq before assigning it to 'sel', but it didn't
help. Now I'm completely lost :)

Finally, I came up with the version that works correctly when it is
run two times :). After the first execution, it pastes two selections
and no URL. If you re-select the area in Firefox and run the same
command, the expected output will appear. What is wrong here?

(defcommand emacs-remember () ()
  "Send selection into emacs org-mode"
  (let ((current-window-name (if (current-window) (window-title
(current-window)) "No current window"))
      (current-window-class (if (current-window) (window-class
(current-window)) "No window class"))
      (copy-from-firefox (equal (window-class (current-window)) "Firefox"))
      (sel (get-x-selection))
      (url ""))
      (setf sel (get-x-selection))
    (when copy-from-firefox
        (send-meta-key (current-screen) (kbd "F6"))
        (send-meta-key (current-screen) (kbd "C-c"))
        (setf url (get-x-selection))
        (send-meta-key (current-screen) (kbd "F6")))
    (run-or-raise "emacs" '(:class "Emacs"))
    (send-meta-key (current-screen) (kbd "M-x"))
    (window-send-string "org-capture")
    (send-meta-key (current-screen) (kbd "RET"))
    (window-send-string "f")
    (window-send-string (format nil "~a~%~a~%~%" current-window-name url))
    (window-send-string sel)))


With best regards,
Dimitri Minaev

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